Christmas Shopping Photo Gallery
any last-minute shopping left to do? Dreading to go to town and
face the mad crowds of fellow last-minute shoppers? Don't! Stay on
Lamma and check out the local shops along Main and Back Street.
There are a lot of great products on sale, often for much better
prices than you could find in town.
Patronise local businesses and help to
revive the island's economy. Enjoy the friendly, personal service
and make new local friends at the same time.
Click here for the
Shopping Photo Gallery to put you into the right shopping mood.
Lamma Fun Day - Best Snapshots
it a great day out on Power Station Beach? Beautiful weather, cool
breeze, shady trees, lots of people determined to have fun and
loads of money being donated for the Child Welfare Scheme!
Doggy, Lamma Fun Day Organiser:
"Hi Everybody,
Adding it all up, I've worked out a total
of $40,597.7 raised at the Lamma Fun Day!!!! How cool is
That's 15 grand more than we raised in
previous years. Some amazing contributions went into that, like
$11,000 raised from sale of bric-a-brac and $10,000 from sale of
Loads of people put heaps of effort into
making fun day such a success, so I want to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH
to all of them (and I'm sure
Child Welfare Scheme
would as well). And thanks to everyone who attended and had fun in
the sun with us last Sunday.
photos are up online at
and Lamma-Gung's extensive Multimedia Gallery
(incl. video & sound) is at:
Fun-Day-2003 Photo Gallery."
(from Doggy, 2 days later): "I did
the final audit yesterday, and discovered that there were
a couple of amounts I hadn't factored
in, so the total is actually
Steve Cray's great photos of the YSWankers gig (see left) are
Jack gig photo by bbChris (see right).
A few more from
Steve Cray, who's also just added great new photos (Harbour
Fest, etc.) to
Elections, Helipad, Loy Krathong

District Council Elections:
A sweeping victory for Ms Yu Lai Fan of the so-called
"Democratic Alliance for the Betterment of Hong Kong", 69% of
Lammaites voted for her.
Congratulations are in order, she won fair & square by a vast
majority, no serious foul play, as far as I know. That's what
democracy is all about, the majority wins, if the individual likes
the results or not...
Alex Chan has won a very respectable number of votes for a fresh
candidate like him, capturing a lot of hearts and minds and votes
during his relentless, tireless campaigning. A natural, democratic,
environmentally aware & personable politician like him will get his
chance for elected office very soon, I'm sure. Below, there's his
message to voters, stuck on campaign posters.
Early in the morning on voting day, there was a long line
outside the town hall! The average age of these voters was well
beyond 60, I'd guess. The DAB knows how to mobilise their
supporters... Ms Yu's message to voters:
Yu Lai Fan appreciates Lamma and Po Toi residents' support
Dear residents,
In condition of being voted as a district
council member for Lamma and Po toi district, I would like to send
my deep appreciation for your faithful support. I would try my best
to achieve my commitments and listen to your voice. Let us to
contribute a better community for the coming future. Once again
thanks for you support."
But the DAB has suffered badly in these elections all over HK,
only about 30% of their candidates were elected, losing almost 40%
of their former seats, overtaken so far by the Democrats. It'll
take a bit longer on the islands for democratic ideas to take hold,
but it'll get there someday...
Ms Yu didn't respond to my repeated requests for an
interview or answer the questions of members of Lamma.com.hk I sent
her. But now with the election pressure over, she's more open for
an interview. Being introduced to her just today (Dec 19) for the
very first time, she personally agreed to an exclusive feature
story & interview for the Lamma-zine next year, after Chin. New
Year! Watch out for it!
Temporary Helipad:
are finally starting to move on the temporary & permanent helipad
issues, moving the med ical
emergency helipad from the Power Station to the existing Yung Shue
Wan reclamation.
A temporary helipad is scheduled to be completed this month and
the permanent one, scheduled for 2006, to be built on a platform in
the harbour for over $16 million, connected by bridge on pre-bored
pilings to the existing reclamation area (see above and right)
Alex Chan,
Chairman of Citizens Party:
Lamma Friends,
THANK YOU for your support!! The 1123 District Council
Election was fun and very exciting. I did not win a seat in
the DC but with your help, but I did WIN 361 votes or 31% of
all votes (Ms Yu Lai Fan won 794 votes).
The voter
turnout on Lamma was remarkably impressive: 54%, among the
highest in Hong Kong. I think it was a very good result,
considering I was a new face to a very small village community
where clanships traditionally dominate all local politics and
a couple of powerful local groups backed Yu up in this
election. In addition, just simply too many of our supporters
did not register to vote.
I know
that all of you are very concerned about the status of our
new helipad: (1) when the temporary helipad will be
available & (2) the construction noise of the eventual
permanent helipad. Below is the reply from Jimmy Chan,
Senior Engineer at the Civil Engineering Department. If you
should have any further questions or comments, please let me
Lamma is now
my constituency & see you around! |
Jimmy Chan, Civil Engineering Dept.:
Dear Alex,
Regarding your
two questions concerning the helipad project at Yung Shue Wan:
(1) Firstly, I
feel sorry for the patient who passed away. As for the
temporary helipad at Yung Shue Wan, the Home Affairs
Department (HAD) is responsible for its construction. Civil
Engineering Department is assisting with the application for
an Environmental Permit which requires the preparation of a
Project Profile containing assessment of the environmental
impact of the temporary helipad.
You may like to
note that an Environmental Permit is required for the
construction and operation of the helipad irrespective of
whether it is of temporary or permanent nature. The
Environmental Protection Department issued the Permit on
As the temporary
helipad site is a bare ground without any surfacing at
present, the Government Flying Services would require some
minimum paving to be constructed to prevent loose particles
from being stirred up by the helicopter turbulence. |
A cart
path is also needed for the ambulance to reach the landing
area. HAD had already engaged a contractor on 17.10.2003 and
construction works are underway with a scheduled completion
date of end December 2003.
(2) An
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) study is being
conducted for the permanent helipad. Noise impact is one of the
areas for assessment which covers both the construction phase
and the operation phase.
a) I would
like to clarify that we are planning to adopt the "pre-bored"
type of piling method and the construction noise would be lower
than percussive piling.
b) All
piling works would be carried out between 0700 to 1900 hours.
It is estimated that the piling activities would take about
6 months to complete. |
c) The draft EIA
study report, which is being passed to relevant parties
including the Environmental Protection Department for comment,
has recommended that the Contract should adopt good working
practices to minimize construction noise as far as possible
such as minimizing the number of powered mechanical equipment,
turning off unused equipment and providing maintenance to all
plant and equipment.
However, as
mentioned above, the pre-bore piling method would be used
and the predicted construction noise levels would comply with
the noise standard laid down in the EIAO. The piling works
should not cause unacceptable impact to nearby residents and
businesses. |
We'll believe it when we see it. Completion date end of this
month? According to recent reports, some men and machinery are on
the site now. But little accomplished so far...
Loy Krathong:
After seeing my "Floating
Lantern Festival at the ferry pier photo gallery in the
last Lamma-zine, Roz Keep, the famous local watercolourist who
recently moved to Chiang Mai, sent me this personal story:
Roz Keep, still
young Lamma Oldster:
It was
interesting to see your fine photos of the Loy Krathon
Festival in the Lamma-zine. Thanks a lot. I wanted to write a
bit in response. I am a Lamma Oldster, as you like to call
anyone who has lived there 10 years or more, currently living
in Chiang Mai, North Thailand. I will try to describe my first
Loy Krathon Festival in Thailand for Lamma readers.
About two
or three weeks before the full moon, while making dinner in my
new home, there was a huge and deafening explosion outside my
kitchen window... I dropped what I was doing and ran outside
believing it to be an American invasion or something equally
terrifying only to see a group of young boys and a few old men
setting off the thickest, longest, biggest fireworks I'd ever
seen. |
My ears were still ringing from
the first explosion but these enthusiastic Thai males weren't
done yet... Over and over again this ritual of detonation
continued, accompanied by loud and cheerful shouting and
laughter. They were having a "who's got the biggest?"
competition obviously... This behaviour seemed to become an
epidemic as full moon approached and on the night itself one
was thankful not to have been in any real war zones in one's
life as I can imagine war traumas coming back to haunt...
Now the best bit of the
festival is the floaty offerings. We had been invited to join
a new friend and her party at the river's edge to release our
Krathon and to make our wishes for the new year, cleansed of
sin. I'll never forget for the rest of my life how beautiful
the river and also the sky looked as thousands of candles
floated in the water and lanterns ascended into the clear
night sky. Truly an incredible sight. |
lanterns are a clever combination of ancient and modern
technology, using a fireproof paper and bamboo hoop,
supporting at the bottom a candle made of paraffin-soaked
wick. The thing is set light to, the balloon fills with hot
air and up it goes. As the balloons are large, they take a
couple of people to coordinate the launch successfully.
Once up,
the balloons gain such height that we feared for anyone
traveling in a jumbo jet about to land at Chiang Mai's busy
airport at the height of tourist season! Phil was relieved he
wasn't traveling that week at all as the balloons are a
favourite every night of the week around the full moon.
I enjoyed
a lesson in making the floats at my son's school the previous
afternoon. In the junior school, a large floor space had been
prepared for students, teachers and parents to sit and make
their own Krathons. |
had all been provided and we could sit with Thai staff to
learn the intricate folding of the banana leaf and attaching
them around the base of the float. These floats were all made
of banana stems by the way, no environmentally unfriendly
polystyrene for these kids...
Mine ended up looking like a
lotus flower that had a blight or which had been in a typhoon.
But they were very polite and said "Very beautiful, Miss Loz (Roz)."
I was impressed with the school's extensive gardens which
provided all the flowers free of charge and made our krathons
The River Ping is near our new
home and since the festival of love and light I have begun to
visit it almost daily for peace, reflection and inspiration
for my drawing. So it is with gratitude and relief that I got
to know this river as a result of the very special Loy Krathon
full moon festival.
Peace be to
you all on Lamma. |
Restaurant & Bar News
- December
What's new in the local dining &
drinking (& falling-down) scene during the month of Christmas/
Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/...? Lots of food promotions, obviously! After the
recent re-surfacing of most of Main Street between Spicy and Deli,
plus new flush water piping (after an embarrassing break-down
recently, see below left), the scene is set for the holiday crowds
descending on our fair village, hopefully patronising the local
businesses and reviving their sales.
Thai on Back Street has moved across the street, opening a
proper Thai Restaurant on Dec 7. Lamma Gourmet, part of the
Dan Kwai Fong empire, has moved next door to bigger & better
10 year anniversary of the Deli Lamma on Dec
10, which was full of loyal & happy long-time patrons that night.
Big Christmas Day dinners coming up in Lamma Bistro and
Aroy Thai. Diesel's has been serving Indian & Western
food for a few weeks now, all prepared in-house, and it's becoming
pretty popular.
Breaking news: Kumar (of Spicy Island fame) is taking over
Y2K as Bar Manager on Jan 1st!
Click for Restaurant
& Bar News Photo Gallery
of events in the Island Bar this month (see all the Harry
posters above), several of them in favour of Operation Santa Claus:
Quiz Night, Treasure Hunt, Christmas Carols singing, "Gangsters &
Molls" New Year's Eve party...
Yummy Sunday roasts in Lamma Bistro and
Bookworm Cafι.
Holiday Mood lets groups rent the entire
place for a weeknight and offers party catering, similar to the
Chinese baker y
opposite the Bistro (which catered the Western food at the LAP
Centre opening, to my big surprise).
Finally, the formerly famous Waterfront
restaurant & bar is rumoured to re-open "soon", but I won't
believe it till I see it.
Here are the photos and descriptions of the
promotions above: click on
Restaurants & Bars - Dec 2003. Check out the frequently
updated Lamma Events Calendar
for promotion dates, plus all the restaurant & bar ads at the
beginning of this issue.
Last but not least: Just in case you're wondering
what these two funny guys above right are up to:
Steve Cray sent me these photos and I put them into
a little animated slide show. Steve called it:
amusing picture sequence of Richard 'Word Asia' Cook and Harry
'Cartoonist' Harrison acting up to Rolling Stones records in the
Deli Lamma after watching the Stones at Harbour Fest.
LAP Opens Animal
Welfare Center
Animal Protection:
are cordially invited to the
Opening Ceremony of our LAP Animal Welfare Centre to be held
this Sat, 13th December 2003 at 3 pm. The Centre is situated behind
the Spicy Island Rest. at G/F, A, 25B Main Street, Yung Shue Wan."
Click for the Photo Gallery
of the Animal Welfare Centre Opening
Sheila, LAP: LAP is opening a Centre to
promote the special world of Lammas animals - a world of care made
possible through the kindness and generosity of people like you who
support LAP in many ways.
Many of our rescued cats and dogs are quickly
ready to go to good new homes with loving families, there are also
those who are the outcasts of society - unwanted, lame, too
traumatized by past abuse, or too old, handicapped, or ill. Once
they're with LAP we do everything we can to make sure nothing bad
ever happens to them again.
Photo left (Goldie, foster dog)
by LAP; photo
below by Bob Davis, proving that e loves dogs, too.
they find homes quickly or stay with us for the long-term the
loving families of Lamma Animal Protections network provide havens
for these innocent creatures. Our new centre gives you the
opportunity to meet our fostered animals in a pleasant and friendly
environment. There will be daily guest appearances of animals for
adoption and for fostering.
The Centre will be a friendly meeting place
for anyone interested in LAPs work. It will promote the important
issues of responsible pet ownership,
spay and neuter, and information on the rewards of fostering. The
Centre will also help raise funds to
help with medical bills, spay and neuter and general survival.
Local schools will have access to interesting Humane Education
resources and be offered short courses. We will sell a wide variety
of quality donated goods and hold
talks on a wide range of topics such as neonatal care, responsible
pet ownership,
natural food diets, aromat herapy,
and training. Please join us at the
Center and enjoy being a Lamma animal protector. For details, call
2982 4018; email:
Poisoned Pets
photo gallery (see left) has also been updated, with
several more victims, very sadly.
check out the
personal home page of Grommit, a vivacious young dog (click
right), who has just been adopted via LAP on the Fun Day!
Corner Bar Closing -
of our readers have very fond memories of the Corner Bar, which was
closed down ten years ago, Dec 11, 1993. It lost its license
because of frequent fights and drug dealing in the premises.
Nicknamed "The Dog and Hippy" and located where the Lamma Bistro is
now, it had devoted and loyal customers. So loyal in fact, that
they got together for TWO reunion parties, one in the Bistro, of
course. But the other one was held in London's SOHO quarter by
doing my background research and collecting input for this story,
these ex-Lammaites were the main contributors. Most
of the local old-timers either claimed amnesia about those days,
were "too busy" or just didn't care about the anniversary.
"Who can remember?", "If only I had memories
of the Corner Bar - it is all a haze", "With regard to the Corner
Bar, I think it is a little like the 60s. If you remember you
weren't there!"
were typical responses from local people who WERE there. One of the
88 Signs that you've lived on Lamma for too long is
"When you still go on about the Corner Bar",
according to MissB. Let's go on about it one last time!
click above to enlarge
Daniel Gline
story, Lamma
Gazette, Dec 1989):
newer Corner Bar, where Brits and other eminent members of
beer drinking expat community meet to scratch their bums and
tell lies..."
I saw
someone walking down Colchester (Yes, COLCHESTER, IN ESSEX)
the other day sporting an old Corner Bar T shirt......I nearly
ran up to him & mugged him for it, as I never managed to
acquire one!
anyone else seen any others of these antique & priceless
clothing items anywhere other than Hong Kong yet? Or am I the
only one?
David Hayhurst ,
Lamma Oldster:
I think
the closing of the Lamma Bar really represented the end of a
certain era for those of us like me who'd been there, say, a
year or two and seen the population expanding exponentially.
The main
reason behind its shutting was just so pathetically lame. A
couple of twats barely out of their teens decided that they
wanted to become big-time hash dealers. They then got sucked
into a sting operation, which led to them getting collared by
undercover cops in a Mongkok McDonalds.
They'd been lured in beginning
at the CB, so the SCMP and Standard had these lovely News of
The World, circa-1966-style "Lamma Pot Pushers/scourge of
degenerate youth" articles. |
rossers had the excuse they'd been looking for, and the CB's
license was pulled pretty sharpish. That a couple of mongoloid
wank-stains could devastate Xanadu so easily...
It was a
bit of a bitch for me, personally, as well. The undercover had
been a Canadian, posing as a freelance journalist (my own
profile). A few people thought it must have been me! But the
consensus appeared that I was too much of a nutter ever to be
any sort of effective grass.
The Deli
Lamma opened immediately after; a pleasant, but quite
up-market eatery with a totally different vibe. To me, this
epitomised that the professionals were beginning to outnumber
the crusties and ravers and laid-back deadbeats that had held
sway 'til then.
I think
it's hard to convey any sense of just how totally the CB was
the nucleus of Lamma socialising for most of my age group
there. Just stroll in, you'd hear about a party or barbeque
son enough, or just get invited round someone's for a chillum
and a video.
Some of
that sense of bon vivant communality dissipated a bit with its
loss, at least for me.
really is no where on earth I know of quite like Lamma.
Although. I wouldn't trade Paris for Hong Kong in a hurry
again, many of the very best memories I have of the place
revolve around the ol' Dog and Hippy.
Best to
Dave Lamma inmate 1992-96 |
find out how some of your friends looked more than ten years ago!
Anonymous Lamma
One of my
fondest memories of the Corner Bar is from a cool, misty
December Sunday dawn a dozen or so years ago.
After an
evening of reckless overindulgence down at the Corner Bar, a
few of us headed home to continue the carnage. As the sky
lightened, one of our number, newly arrived in Hong Kong, was
sent off, pointlessly but amusingly, into Yung Shue Wan to
look for dim sum.
Within 30
seconds, as we watched from the balcony, he stood,
cartoon-like, on the teeth of an abandoned farmers rake,
which slammed viciously into his skull. We retrieved him,
tried vaguely to mop up the blood, and called the dinky Lamma
ambulance, whose distinctly disapproving crew decided he
needed to be helicoptered to hospital on Hong Kong Island. Not
wanting to wake everyone on Lamma at dawn, I suggested that he
take a police patrol boat instead, and offered to accompany
him to the hospital. |
As the
ambulance trundled down Main Street towards the pier, Rake-Boy
bloodied and concussed, me smeared with blood and starting to
come down, we passed the Corner Bar, which was, incredibly,
still blearily going. I saw my opportunity.
I leaped
from the back of the ambulance, wove my way through the knots
of idly interested drinkers, and ordered a large bourbon. I
knocked it back, and, thoroughly refreshed, strode through the
bodies, waved to a familiar face or two and climbed back into
the ambulance, only some seventy-five yards further down Main
Street. And no one in the bar even raised an eyebrow.
That was
what was so great about the Corner Bar - it was rarely
judgmental, and there was nothing it hadnt seen before. A man
in an ambulance at dawn covered with blood probably needed a
drink, right? I think it was then I decided that I really
really liked Lamma. In fact, they eventually had to pry me out
with a crowbar. I remember one time
(cont. p.96) |
Jane Mermaid,
pocket alerts seemed to be in effect most often after a good
session in the Corner Bar (number 44 Main St).
I think
it was the size of hole that an inebriated person had fallen
into, injuries sustained..., etc., etc. I'm sure you catch my
For those
Lamma Oldies who think I've got it wrong, please put me
straight on it, I only really remember a few months of the
Corner Bar before it closed.
Desmond Quilty,
Lamma Oldster:
Hi there,
I think
that I may have a photo of Jackie with her neck in a brace
having a pint in the CB. The story behind it is that she broke
it the night before after a particularly heavy session. Full
marks for her perserverance.
Other particularly memorable
moments, the time when a guy (fast eddie?) vowed to drink
24/26 pints in a row. I remember sitting on the terrace on a
bright sunny afternoon as he staggered around, about three
pints short of the finish. |
people were helping him along by placing new pints in front of
him as old ones went astray. He did manage it in the end I
And when
the German guy (can't remember his name but he used to be an
artist of some repute if I remember correctly) and a couple of
other people were drinking all night in the CB, they heard
news that a typhoon was approaching so they decided that it
was vital to nip over to Central to get a McDonalds in before
the storm really hit.
Unfortunately the storm was coming in quicker than anticipated
so they were caught on the first ferry of the morning,
absolutely pie-eyed, with waves as big as mountains crashing
through the boat. The German guy, taken with the insanity of
it all, was lurching round the boat screaming "We are all
going to die". Which probably didn't do the nerves of the
assembled, terrified schoolchildren any good.
Those are
a couple of memories, guys can you fill in the names?
I'll try
and marshal photos & videos for the big night and can send
over some stuff afterwards for the site. |
Anonymous Lamma Oldster:
Corner Bar Memories
What was the Lantern Society?
The "Lantern Society" was the
first Gwailo bar on Lamma. It was bought by Brummie carpenters
Keith Flint and "Irving" Rudd who changed the name to the
Island Bar and re designed it. When the Corner Bar opened many
disgruntled Island bar customers moved to the new bar which
was not at first known as Lamma's hot bed of radicalism. Only
after the arrival of the second wave of UK riff-raff on the
run from Maggie Thatcher did it become the Corner Bar of
legend, and the largest "Gravity Pocket" for several miles.
Why Mark and
the carpet?
Mark Wong
was the owner of the Corner Bar. His only previous experience
in bar work, was as a carpet seller (which was his real job).
He sold a carpet to the Press Club bar in Lockhart road.
Subsequently, he asked for a lot of advice from resident "Gwailos"
on how he should design it and got his leg pulled a bit by
some of the naughty ones. |
The awful
truth about David Bowie and the Corner Bar:
David Bowie (not
the singer superstar, the resident ex-journalist now living in
France) was one of the naughty ones.
He decided it
would be a great joke to talk Mark into fitting large fish
tanks to the back wall behind the bar. This he did and Mark
paid an arm and a leg for two large tanks of tropical fish
which died within weeks of opening.
Why the Egg Cartons?
Mark was very
worried about getting noise complaints after he opened and
"David Bowie" humourously sent him down to the big Phillips
showroom that used to be in Ocean Terminal to buy an enormous
number of very expensive acoustic soundproofing tiles (hk$65
per square foot) to put all over the walls and ceiling. This
would have been next to useless. Fortunately, some kind soul
(me) took pity on him and told him to put empty egg cartons on
the ceiling instead. The egg cartons puzzled many a Corner Bar
visitor. |
Quilty's pics from the London CB reunion party,
(Red Lion on Kingly Street, London, W1, Dec 11, 2003):
"Here's the six best ones, happy to say
that the night went very well, loads of old Corner Bar residents
turned up and I'd dare say that we might make it into an annual
Click here for photos of the
London party.
Jeff Wise: "Is
there life on Lamma?" (SCMP, 1993):
...To get
a true taste of Lamma it is necessary to visit the Corner Bar,
informally known as "The Dog and Hippie". This is Lamma's
Potala, the cultural and spiritual heart of it all.
Friends quaff beer, chat and joke about how, despite press
accounts, there aren't any prostitutes available.
slips me a document which reveals a two-stage plan to declare the island's independence and then launch a surprise
bid for the 2004 Olympics. A section reads:
- A
literate population.
Unlimited power supply.
- Housing
in Olympic Village of charming Spanish three-storey sprawl
- All
facilities within walking distance (no roads). |
- No
outlying island has ever hosted an Olympics.
- Plenty
of Poms to pull in the British vote.
the veneer of tropical-island bonhomie, a palpable
disgruntlement can be felt. A traditional way of life is under
threat: from the increasing number of "suits" moving to the
island; from the ever-more persistent police and immigration
authorities; and from a government which provides only
toy-sized public services.
ominously, the Corner Bar is scheduled to be closed, in
December 11, because of the raucous and allegedly illicit
behaviour of its patrons. Those are not the only threats.
There are plans for a high-speed ferry service, a move which
will make Lamma's commuting time as short as that to Discovery
"We want
worse ferry services, not better," one resident says.
"We hate
suits," says another... |
the party, this ex-wannabe-hippie, who has only resided on Lamma
for two years, has to admit to feeling some nostalgia, even a bit
of disappointment.
Some of the former Corner Bar residents actually wore suits,
nobody had long hair, nobody shared their Corner Bar memories, only
two wore the new, reprinted CB T-shirts (still available from Frank
Paul), even though they got drink discounts by wearing it. I got a
name card from a sharp-suited Regional Director who actually worked
in the CB before! No dogs are allowed any more in the place
formerly known as "The Hippy and Dog". The contrast to the
face-painted crowd ten years ago (see left) couldn't have been more
None of the promised entertainment had even started at 11pm,
when I left. The announced Lamma Male Voice Choir and the Random
Twiddlers didn't perform at all. I'm still not sure if there was
any Bastard Poetry reading, but Dan-the-Man was intensively
composing on the ferry back from HK Island a few hours earlier.
Sorry, no photos due to lack of subjects. (Click any photo in
this story to enlarge)
out all the other bars after 11pm on a Thursday night, I could only
find one or two handfuls of regulars in three places, but all the
other bars were totally deserted that night!
The time of the hippies on Lamma has really ended with the
close-down of the Corner Bar 10 years ago, the true end of an era.
The hippies have either left long ago and went home, or have grown
older, cut their hair, founded families, some dressed in suits and
turned into successful yuppies, managers, even directors. But the
old reputation of Lamma Island lingers on in the minds of the rest
of Hong Kong...
Photos by Jerry
Squinty Backbone @
Nov 29, 8pm, Bookworm Cafι:
Squinty Backbone: Live Unplugged
& Sober:
"This classic Lamma band
has briefly regrouped after many years... and will be playing their
last gig in their original line up tonight. They are great fun and
very talented musicians/entertainers."
According to Squinty John (left), they hope to have
a reunion every year as it has been 7 years since the last one.
Listening to them live is a very rare pleasure and great fun,
Squinty John:
"I can tell you that it was "Squinty Backbone and the Hemorrhoids",
till the manager of the bar we had our first gig in made us change
it. The bass is called a Tea Chest Bass (see right) and was
prolific in the 50s with cheap skate skiffle
Lonnie Donegan
wannabe boy bands. Pain in the ass to amplify, but great for
busking and acoustic gigs such as the Bookworm."
Click the photos above for the
Photo Gallery of their first live gig in SEVEN years!
Lamma Cricket Club -
Santa Arrives Early
"Santa came early as Lamma Cricket Club marked the final game of
their 10th anniversary year with a narrow one run victory over HKCC
Gap Ramblers on December 20. The result sees the Saturday League
defending champions move to within just one point of last seasons
main rivals, St Georges. Batting first, LCC set an imposing target
of 268 for 7, with Sher Lama (54) and Ian Beck (62) both having a
good day with the bat, while the opposition could only manage 267
in a nail-biting finish."
STOP PRESS: Due to disappointing ticket sales, the Lamma
Cricketers 11th Anniversary Ball on Dec 6 was POSTPONED, probably
to January. Any questions, call Brad (8422 5907) or Ian (2521
8081). Click on poster below right for details of the original
John Fox, Lamma
Cricket Club:
Santa arrives early as LCC mark anniversary with
narrow win
The result followed an emphatic thrashing of a strong KCC
Saracens side by 9 wickets on December 13. Chasing the
Saracens score of 176 for 8, with Sher Lama having taken 4
wickets for 38 runs, Terry Pontikos (63 not out) and Toby White
(88) hit most of the total, to lead Lamma 177 for 1 to see off
the Saracens. That result moved Lamma into second place in the
Saturday league on 101 points, just behind leaders St Georges.
On November 29th, Lamma thrashed hapless rivals
Centaurs by 130 runs, thanks in no small part to a club record
innings of 192 by current Hong Kong Player of the Year, Butt
Hussain was superb and very unlucky not to get his first
double century for Lamma, said Club Secretary Ian Harling.
The opening partnership of 169 with Terry Pontikos was also a
club record, he added.
Harling, who was Lammas captain on the day in the absence of
regular skipper Mark Burns, was inspirational with the ball,
taking two wickets for just 5 runs, to help skittle Centaurs
all out for 209 in just 30 overs.
The win against Gap Ramblers brought Lammas tally for the
season to eight wins out of a possible 12 with one cancellation
due to rain, giving a total of 113, just one point adrift of
the current league leaders, St Georges, on 114. Lamma
therefore have a fair chance of retaining their championship
title against some stiff opposition.
This despite losing six regular players from last year's title
winning team have departed for
new, but have been ably replaced by return of Toby White plus
new boys Sher Lama (HK International), Terry Pontikos and Ian
Beck, said Captain Mark Burns. |
Lamma beat Craigengower CC on December 6th, with Lamma winning
thanks to their superior run rate after rain stopped play in
the second half. They had hit a commanding score of 308 for 5 (Hussain
149, Leigh Powell 57, Lama 65 not out), with Craigengower
scoring 182 for 4 before the heavens opened.
Balancing out this breaking-news report & update, see below some
old stuff about the LCC I found on the Internet a while back. I've
added it to my ever-growing collection of materials, ideas and
stories for future Lamma-zines, where it was waiting for the right
opportunity to be used. It's a Star Wars-style match report
on a similar game quite a few years ago, also between the LCC
and the Saracens, obviously written by a member of the
Saracens. Enjoy!
Match Reports
of Kowloon Cricket Club,
Round 8 - 1st November 1997:
v. Lamma at DBS Result:
Saracens won by two runs.
The Umpire Strikes Back
The story so
Starship Saracen has been marooned on the Death Planet
DBS for several eons. There they have been subjected to
humiliating defeats and fatalities at the hands of marauding
bands, The Mercheats and St. Grunge. Now they face the
might of the feared Lammas who only last week had put the
Crusaders to the sword. Could they defeat them and escape to
continue their journey? Now read on. |
Youthful opener Princess
Burgia and his partner Darth Grumper decided that
they had to lead the way. This they did by hammering the
Lammaite openers into submission by refusing to take any
runs off them and stoutly defending their wickets. "We'll show
them how to play Test match Cricket," you could almost hear
them say. Having seen them off they then decided to let the
rest of the crew take up the battle. The battle weary Princess
and the menacing Darth had shown the way by rattling up some
20 runs in the first ten overs.
Darth succumbed to a killer
blow from the evil Lammaites who used the deadly wide,
wide, no ball, weapon to induce him to self destruct. He came
off cursing the gods at these underhand tricks of making him
play the ball straight to fielders hands deliberately placed
for such a shot. |
The rest
of the starship weighed in with contributions. Shiroy the
Hutt was cruelly given out by the Evil Umpire
caught off an above the waist full toss. In mitigation though
the Hutt does not have a discernible waist which makes the job
a bit hard. The Two Headed One Brain Jamshed flourished
briefly as did the Vookie, Zube Skyer Upper and, I'm the
Captain Hans Gillo. But as the crew succumbed to the
deadly missiles of the Lammaites it was left to Oh No
Ben Cannot Bowl and CP3OB to end the innings in a blaze of
mediocrity. 14 hits for Ben and 3 for the CP. Time would tell
how important those 3 runs would be. 171 hits in total.
Saracens began their counter attack and the One brain
Jamshed started to create havoc. Starship Trooper Angry
Atko taking a superb catch that everyone saw except him.
However this drained his energy pack and he couldn't lay a
hand on the ball again. The Lammites were reeling. But
then the Giant "When is my contract with the KCC up" Hutch
fought back as well as he had earlier attacked. The Saracens
in despair. "Would the curse of the planet DBS never lift?" |
It was left to Oh No Ben and
CP3OB to return to the attack after an absence of several eons
to make vital breakthroughs. Then in the gathering gloom Darth
Grumper and the two headed Jamshed did their utmost. Closer
and closer the Lammites got to the target. Then with
two runs left to win the Head Straight out of the Shoulders
Jamshed did the trick. The Lammites dismissed for 169.
And so the Starship Saracen
loosened the grip of the Evil Planet and flies off to another
Mission Road to face the might of the Deadly Kai Takkers
and their awesome weapon - the stale sandwiches from the club
At DBS: Saracens 171-9
(R Sharma 34; J Traynor 3-45) beat Lamma CC 169 (D Winstle 51;
J Khan 4-37, J Mohammed 3-46) by two runs." |
Lamma's "Confluence King of
you know that the "undisputed confluence king of China" - as he was
called by the SCMP recently - is a longtime Lamma resident? Take a
bow, Mr Targ Parsons, newly appointed Laudable Lamma Luminary! If
you can't believe it, look at the story and the recent feature on
CNN Asia, also if you want to find out what the heck confluencing
Lu Stout lauds Lamma locals:
CNN International correspondent Kristie LuStout interviewed
three local Lamma residents for two of her Tech Watch segments this
week: Tue, Nov 25, 2003: Chris Watts in "Spa-worthy sensations"
Nov 27, 2003: Richard Jones and Targ Parsons in "Geek sport
gaining followers".
Targ, Mr DickStock, Kristie, Kevin, Tony
Click here for the original
SCMP story "Where worlds collude"
Click here to view the
CNN video clip:
Click here for the
full story & links:
Click here for
photos of their latest great achievement
Click below to
zoom out
you find out now what Confluencing is? No? Well, basically it's a
new adventure sport, all about visiting places anywhere in the
world where major lines of latitude and longitude intersect as
whole numbers - known as confluences. Once arrived, take pictures,
including your Global Positioning System's display, and post
details & photos on a special website (Degree
Confluence Project) as proof. Then feel proud of your
achievement. That's it! No financial reward, no benefits, just your
15 minutes of fame on a website. Sounds like a sport worthy of a
true Lammaite, or does it?
"Confluence King of China":
There is
a total of 977 confluence points that the Degree Confluence
Project has indexed in China (including a handful of water
confluences like the one we did south of Lamma). The bulk of
these, 965 to be exact, are deemed "primary" confluences.
Of those
965 are primary confluences and 105 have been successfully
visited, and a further 10 have been attempted. That leaves a
total of 860 primary and 12 secondary Chinese confluences yet
to be done.
For me
personally, I have successfully visited 75 Chinese
confluences. That includes all the points in Guangdong,
Chongqing, Hunan and Jiangxi, as well as all the land-based
points in Fujian. Next targets are: Guangxi, Guizhou, Zhejiang,
Anhui, Shanghai and Jiangsu. Should keep me going for a while.
Anyone silly enough to want to
join me is more than welcome. (Richard (Mr
DickStock) is the only local to fit that bill so far.)
Warning: It's not for the faint-hearted. One has to be
prepared to chi ku ("eat bitter"). I'm planning a four-day
trip leaving in the evening of 31 December 2003, back on
Sunday 4 January 2004." |
Why go
confluence hunting?
probably are as many different answers to this question as
there are confluence hunters, but here are a few reasons (see
emailing Targ:
Sorry for
mixing up the number of confluence points in China with the
ones on the whole planet! ;-)
If that
were true (16K+ points in China) you'd really have your work
cut out for yourself!
photos! Of the successful team setting off from Lamma ferry
pier and at the point, including the reporter, plus a photo of
the GPS at the confluence point as proof, of course!
Lamma is
honoured to have such a celebrity living in our midst, a true
Laudable Lamma Luminary, as seen on CNN, together with another
Laudable Lamma Luminary, who's been featured all too often in
the Lamma-zine already: Mr DickStock! A true confluence of
Lamma Luminaries, who are fluently confluencing together!
One last
question for my story:
How to,
umm, err, EXPLAIN to a layperson the attraction of
confluencing? Some ignorant soul not in the know who might
dare to ask the insolent question of WHY, WHY??? |
Tim Vasquez, Confluence Hunter:
"Confluences are interesting to me because they represent
randomness that emerges from strict order. It goes far beyond a
silly quest for invisible man-made boundaries. The confluence
latticework is an open defiance of the order our culture
imposes on us, which frowns on tourists who abandon the
traveled roads, the sanitized vistas, and the stops designed to
conjure up dollars for empty memories.
Confluences are in curious places that embrace you in their
history, character, and ecology, surrounded by people who are
locals in every sense of the word. You simply haven't
experienced a region unless you've tried seeking out its
Felipe Trigo Boix,
Confluence Hunter:
"One thing that I like a lot about Confluence hunting is that
this is a place that you have never seen (and many times will
never see again), that you know exactly where it is, you do not
how to get there but will find a way and, no matter how it
turns out to be you will be so glad and satisfied to have been
there!" |
Dave Patton,
Confluence Hunter:
"For me, it
combines a variety of interests, such as the outdoors, hiking,
and photography. Also, I tend to be a "details guy", so I also
like the planning/preparation that is often needed for a
successful confluence visit (at least in BC). I go hunting for
edible mushrooms (Morels in the spring, Chanterelles in the
fall), which I have described to people as a sort of "grown-up
Easter-Egg hunt" - you're out there in the woods walking
around, looking and hoping to find 'treasures' - sometimes you
do, other times you don't, but the 'thrill of the hunt' is
always there.
hunting has a similar 'feel' to it - there may only be one
'treasure' to find, and, at least in theory you "know where
it's hidden", but the difference is that you don't really have
a choice of where to look, but you certainly do have a choice
as to how to look, and the 'thrill of the hunt' is still there,
just in a different way.
Certainly when
one sees the distance to a confluence 'counting down' on the
GPS the excitement level rises, but even when you're "at the
spot", there is often that final little bit of 'hunting' while
doing the 'confluence dance' to try for 'all zeros'." |
Clamma for Glamma on Lamma
Remember the story in the last
Lamma-zine, Completely Off-the-Wall Barminess,
written by tourist Chris before visiting Lamma? Well, he's been
enjoying Lamma for two full days recently, then returned home to
Wales. I've been chasing him ever since for his promised follow-up
story. Finally, he gave in reluctantly, sighed loudly and wrote the

Chris from Wales:
Well, that
was Lamma! What a funny place! A three-hour trip a couple of
years ago had told me that Lamma needed to be re-visited, and
so I did. And I was not disappointed. November in Hong Kong
means huddling together for winter warmth for Hong Kongers, but
me, I enjoyed what for me (a Brit) was nice warm sunshine and
some really good sea bathing. How serendipitous that it was
only after coming out of the water that I saw the notice
apologising for the inconvenience caused by the shark nets
being taken in for winter maintenance! Had I been dicing with
death? I doubt it unless I had got in the backflow of some
unseemly Hong Kong Island discharge!
And the
scenery. Well, yes, there is that power-station, but you really
really dont notice it after a bit, if you cross your fingers
behind your back as you say really really. The walking is
great, too. The trek to Sok Kwu Wan hardly a lonely trail
solitude for the masses, more like. Nearly got trampled to
death by the earnest troups of Grade 6 school-children on their
educational day out. Were all clamouring for beautiful scenery
and getting away from it all, I suppose. The clamma for glamma
on Lamma? (groan!).
The bonus
of meeting up with Lamma-Gung and his delightful boss
wife gave a really local flavour to my trip. I was no longer
just another holiday-maker but someone who was welcomed to the
island, and what a difference that makes. My stay at the Man
Lai Wah Hotel was a pleasure, although I mustnt say how
reasonable the rates were, in case the owner reads this and
puts them up for next time I visit. Very nice to sit on the
balcony and survey the town. And a scrummy lunch at the Deli
Lamma (see photo below).
Brit-style breakfasts at Aroy Thai, and a delicious evening
meal of fish and chips (and not just on a Monday, Mr. Aroy
Thai!!) at the Lamma Bistro. No wonder I weighed a few pounds
more at the end of my trip than I did when I first stepped off
the ferry.
mystery remains. Why on earth does anyone in Hong Kong live
anywhere else? Beats me. Farewell for now, Lammalites I shall
return! |
to get these preciously few lines out of Chris, I had to swear an
oath to publish a photo of his first grand-daughter, Sofie, born a
few days ago in Prague (see right, click if you dare to see even
more cute-baby pics). Chris (left in the Deli) is off to Prague
also had to publish the photos (above) of him visiting & speaking
at the Tai Po Rotary
Club and link to the
Rotarian newsletter he's editing. But he does NOT mention
his Lamma visit in his Dec issue, failing to promote the ultimate
highlight of his Hong Kong visit! Unbelievable & unforgivable!
Reclamation Update

(click to
The Save Lamma
Dear Friends of Lamma,
On Friday, October 24th, members of the Save Lamma Campaign
met with the Planning Department and Civil Engineering
Department to further discuss the revised proposal for the
Yung Shue Wan harbour and the way forward. |
THE GOOD NEWS is that the departments continue to
support a much reduced project focused on enhancing rather
than radically changing Yung Shue Wan.
An indicative map of the current concept is shown on the
left. Click to enlarge.
THE BAD NEWS, depending on how you look at it, is that
this will be a long process. With the scrapping of the
original reclamation, the entire project has to back through
the government planning process from the beginning. This
could be a long wait - up to five years - with several
hurdles to pass, including the need to access funding.
However, the advantage of this process is that the technical
feasibility study, the detailed design, etc. will all be up
for review, and that means more opportunity to come up with a
plan that truly serves the long term interests of the
For example, the government continues to insist that wave
reflectors will be needed to protect the village from the
raging sea. The Save Lamma Campaign believes that these
unnecessary structures are damaging to the local character
and inappropriate for a sensitive tourist area. But the
reopened planning process means that if the technical
feasibility study indicates that extensive reflectors are
needed, then we will still have an opportunity to push for
alternatives such as a breakwater at the entrance to the
Thanks for your support. |
Seriously Silly
around Lamma, it's always amazing what kind of signs and posters
you can encounter. Serious ones, silly ones, and the ones trying to
be serious, but ending up sounding silly, my favourites, the ones
that cause a little smile, smirk or even a giggle.
Find below a little collection from the last 1.5
years, demonstrating that it really pays off to have your camera
always with you wherever you go. Lamma is full of little surprises
and unexpected, short-lived discoveries, often gone forever within
a day.
This gallery is also kind of a memorial for the
Democracy Wall at the ferry pier, before it was repainted white and
all posters being ripped down now within a day. The former, unique,
weathered texture of the Wall will be preserved as the wallpaper of
all Lamma-zines.
Click for the Photo
Gallery of Seriously Silly Signs.