“Guess the Gadget Game” #1 - Aug
30, 2005
Yes, it's a mobile phone, a Nokia
6030 to be exact. Lamma-Por's new pride & joy.
As this is just an basic entry-level model for just below HK$1,000, a 86-page manual is quite impressive and looks a bit excessive.
86 pages to explain how to use a phone? Whatever happened to "Pick up the big handset, dial a number on the rotating dial, wait for somebody to answer, speak"?
Yes, technology is really simplifying all our lives, isn't it? Just another clichéd remark from a semi-retired former techie (Regional IT/Telecom Manager).
My own mobile is a several years old, bulky B/W Siemens model, scratched all over and the power fails quite frequently. So I had to fix it with a Blu-Tack and sticky tape to keep the battery compartment closed shut. I got it for free from somebody who was throwing it out. But it does everything it needs to. It can make AND receive phone calls! Wireless! Great!