Lamma Life
May 27 -
Click for 13 MPixel high-res version.

May 31:

Half an hour before the
deadline, noon today, I've
finally submitted my own photos
for this contest.
Selecting some of my own photos
for the
Lamma Wildlife Photo Contest
confirmed once again that there
are a LOT of much better
wildlife photographers on Lamma!
See our collections:
Lamma Flora & Fauna

May 30:
Our last dinner in our favourite
Chin. restaurant, closing
tomorrow forever. I managed to
round up most of Andy's staff
for a farewell picture:

May 29:

The "bike graveyard" on Lamma
Island, where government
contractors dump illegally
parked bikes seized by the
government (photo by
Transit Jam)
By James
"Authorities seized 16 bikes
in a bike clearance operation on
Lamma Island today, then dumped
them in the countryside where
locals later rescued working
machines and salvageable parts.
The bike clearance is a regular
event on Lamma, run by the
district council office and
three government departments:
Lands, FEHD and the police...."
Read more on Transit Jam and
view video...
P.S. This has
been a long-standing issue,
upsetting so many bike riders on
Lamma (including myself) and all
over HK! See results by
Bike Clearance in
the Lamma forums.

May 28:

"HK Electric will begin
distributing dining coupon sets
worth $500 each to needy
families from tomorrow for use
at SME eateries. This is a
continuation of the Company's
"2+3 relief measures" launched
earlier to help small and
medium-sized caterers and
underprivileged families during
the current economic downturn.
Residential customers or
households living in sub-divided
units within HK Electric's
supply territory are eligible to
join if they qualify for any
programme listed on
table 1.
After making appointments with
designated NGO centres, these
households will be invited to
collect a set of 20 coupons,
each worth $25, with which they
could settle food and beverage
payments at more than 220
eateries participating in the
Care and Share – SME Caterers
Subsidy Scheme. Full list of
caterers is available on
Most restaurants in YSW are
participating! (end
of list)

could scan the QR code on the
coupons with a dedicated mobile
app to ensure no duplication.
the entire press release...
To get these free dining
coupons, qualifiying Lamma
residents (see
Table 1) can go to
OIWA office starting tomorrow,
May 29:
Outlying Islands Women's Association, Lamma Division, G/F, 72 Main Street, Yung
Shue Wan. Call Tel. 2982
0976 for more info.
HEC volunteers will stay at OIWA
Lamma office (same as District
Councilor Ting-Ting's) to
distribute the dining coupons to
"underprivileged families" the
whole of next week, from 1-5
June, Monday to Friday,
10am-1pm, 2-5pm.


Yung Shu Wan, posted by
on Reddit HK Click for 13
MPixel high-res version


Online photo competition by HK
Electric! Submit your
favourite photos (2-10MB) of
living organisms on Lamma, from
tiny to large, before May 31 to
their Facebook page
44 Kennedy Road.
More info:
"1) Small gift:
5 sets of electronics-pack
(includes phone charger,
blue-tooth speaker, etc.); plus
10 sets of green-pack (includes
reusable food wrap, foldable
coffee cup, etc.).
2) Copyright:
photos received will be used
only for our company FB
pages/publications to promote
World Environment Day with
proper attribution to the author
and the best 3-5 photos will be
sent to media for promotion
purposes at no extra
3) Organism:
animals, insects, plants or
other living creatures could do.
The criteria is that the photos
should be taken on Lamma, that
is, the organism could be found
on Lamma."
4) Up to 10-15
covering different areas like
animal, insect, plant and
Deadline next Sunday.
Let me start off with one of my
own photos from our extensive Lamma
Wildlife Photo of the Week
collection by many of Lamma's
best photographers at:

May 13:

Click for
more details and HKKF website
In the meantime, the long-time
HK Ferry Android app
has been discontinued end of
April. It'll go on working fine,
but no more updates.
really miss it as it would let
you put all 3 Lamma ferry
services/4 routes onto a single
smartphone screen. The only
long-time app I paid yearly
subscription for to avoid the ads.
Please refer to the left column
of this website for always
up-to-date links to the ferry

May 12:

Best advertising sign for a YSW
rest. I've seen recently! Turn
left for the hot, exhaustive and
dangerous Family Trail
to Sok Kwu Wan or turn right for
seafront dining + cold drinks!
Easy choice! ;-}
Is this from the same person
that created their professional
new posters? Click for more
info and RSVP:

May 8:

My mutations of the same set of
3D fractal formulas
(original starting parameters by
Sinisa Dalenjak).
Usng this last image above as
my Facebook avatar, one of this
Friendversary videos that
Facebook automatically
generates. Love how our two
avatars fit together so nicely!
Mark Malby
is watching me since we did a
In Love with Lamma Joint
Photo exhibition!

This mini-series of
fractal digital 3D images is
ending my
Stay Home, Stay Safe, Stay
Creative series of
creative experiments.
Off to the cinema today!
P.S. Updating
my 40-year
art/photo gallery.
