Jan 27
- "Sitting in the stock room of Brothers
frozen goods shop,..."
Nick & Bernie
Jan 25
- This Bernie-Sanders-at-Joe-Biden's-inauguration photo meme...
5 Years! Congrats!
Jan 18 -
"This month, we are celebrating 5 years of
your favourite show Drone and Phone."
Fascinating Podcasts
Jan 8 -
Fascinating and very informative podcast by my close neighbours DJ Clark and
Stephen Davies.
Little Thai
Jan 7
- "Little Thai is positioned between the
tennis courts and the beginning of Snake Path."
Flor & Carlos
Jan 2 -
"Lamma provides Flor and Carlos with the
ideal space to practice their art."

Jan 31:

Photo credit:
@willcho (via Instagram)
Localiiz writes on
Jan 27:
"Lamma Island also bears oddly
shaped rocks with equally
peculiar names—The
Butt Bloc, Vanishing Point, and
Sleepy Hollow, to name a few.
These rocks are famous
bouldering spots in southern
If rock climbing is your forte,
you can head over to Pagoda
Boulders or Staircase
Boulders—both of which have
their separate trails and
they're along the way of this
circular trail.
There are definitely corners you
can pass through to make this
hike longer (if you're up for
exploring every path) but for
the purpose of keeping this
guide lucid, we will be staying
on our circular path...."
Plus optional mountain climbing
while hiking in South Lamma!
Ex-Lamma Quarry in the
background and the little pier
between Sok Kwu Wan and Mo Tat
Wan in the center:

Photo credit:
@catchments (via Instagram)
"...After exiting your way
through the abandoned village,
you'll be greeted with a totally
different sight—one of the most
stunning (and secluded) beaches
of Lamma, Shek Pai Wan.
This is the longest beach on
Lamma and arguably has the
softest sand to settle your toes
in. What better spot to take a
break? There are stalls offering
snacks and drinks to energise
yourself before climbing up our
next stop, Ling Kok Shan...."
More Lamma Island stories on

Jan 30:

"Lamma Police Station was
built in 1966 at the top of Hung
Shing Yeh Bay on Lamma Island."
Matthew Chapple
"Mo Tat resident and Village
Damon Wong Chun-pong,
is working together with myself
and others to explore preserving
the Old Lamma Police Post built
in 1966 on the hill at Hung
Shing Ye. The government has
budgeted $4.6 million to
demolish it, however, we have
requested that its historic
value be evaluated along with
possible community uses."

Jan 28:

What is this sign by
Islands District Office trying
to tell us?
The sign is on the path just
above Pak Kok, on the coastal
path to YSW, close to the last
DickStock venue.
Some fun replies
came in quickly:
"Abandon all hope ye who enter
here. Welcome to Living Lamma
/ Green Lamma. Green Power is
everywhere? Currently being
green-minded. Please bear with
us. Jackson Pollock is our
new sign writer. When Pranksy
strikes! Warning: jungle
ahead! Greening project is
well underway! Ectoplasm
alert. "Mossy Island"
I think it's telling us one is
about to enter a Dr. Who episode
of "The Green Death'."
My own comments were a bit more
graphical, inspiring me to play
around with my photo above:

Jan 27:

The People of Lamma Island
"Sitting in the stock room
of Brother's frozen goods shop,
Batman occasionally interrupts
his break to respond to price
checks over his walkie talkie.
He, his wife Ruby, her older
brother Mel, and their extended
family, run a number of shops
and businesses in Yung Shue Wan,
ranging from groceries to

Jan 26:

More good news from Lamma's
biggest employer...

Jan 25:

photo meme has been all over
social media and many
Photoshopped versions have
appeared. My favourite so
far, by
Joshua Woodley, using a
photo of Nick the Bookman by
Greg March. Great job!
P.S. T-shirts
for a local charity in progress!
More info...
P.S. Jan 29
This meme is still going, a much
longer lifespan than other
popular, but usually short-lived
Dave Barkshire added one
more character:
Jimi Hendrix
the guitar legend, for all you
young ones who might not even
recognize him:

Jan 24:

honored to be featured once
again today in a
Harry Harrison
cartoon in the
SCMPost, for about
the 5th time as a recurring
My social media avatar (see
left) is another Harry creation,
grabbed and colourised from an
old SCMP cartoon, see left.
This is actually pretty close to
how I looked like when working
on HK Tourism Board's multimedia
& website in the last
millennium, sans ponytail.
See some of the other
appearances of this character
below, always the same unique
look, working for HKTB:

Jan 20:

Taking a long stroll on Jan 15,
exploring my neighbourhood.
Quite a few new discoveries! Pak Kok's Green River,
out-of-order helpline, bird's
nest, Buddhist prayer flags,
"entry prohibited" farm, Pak
Kok's QR code,...

Jan 18:

Drone & Phone
"We're turning 5! This
month, we are celebrating 5
years of your favourite show
Drone and Phone. Over the years,
we've explored the most amazing
landscapes around the world.
Enjoy this recap of our amazing
Drone and Phone is a weekly
short video series featuring one
day outdoor activities in and
around Asia. DJ Clark and
friends create the videos using
a small drone and a phone to
give a unique viewpoint.
14,181 people like this."
Check out their 200+ of
adventure videos, many of them
set on Lamma!

Above bottom right, founder
DJ Clark, my
Lamma neighbour. I just bought
his old bike to explore even
more of our home island.

Jan 17:
North Lamma Rural Committee will
distribute a Chinese New Year
gift for all elderly (65+) North
Lamma residents this Thursday,
January 21st. Sponsored by HK
Electric. Details below.

P.S. Separate
distribution for Pak Kok
Village: Register with Danny at
the only PK shop.

Jan 14:

The People of Lamma Island
"Chloe founded 'Write or
Die' six months after arriving
on the island. 'I think a
lot of people benefit from
having feedback and
encouragement from a supportive
community,' she explains,
'so when I put a call out and
asked if there were any writers
who wanted company, I was
inundated with messages.'..."
Learn more about
Write or Die and
their very first Ferry

Jan 13:

Many people are staying home
during the Covid-19 pandemic,
taking up new hobbies like
baking or knitting. My main home
hobby, besides running this
Lamma-zine, has become creating
fractal computer graphics with
the amazingly powerful
Mandelbulb 3D
See #53-55 above in my current
series, variations of the same
set of fractal formulas, tweaked
and experimented on over days
with varying parameters, then
rendered overnight in high
resolution on my home office PC
(click to enlarge).
See more of my stuff in higher
resolution at
Lamma Gung Art & Photography.

Jan 8:

"The Hong Kong History
Podcast are recordings of
conversations between two Hong
Kong resident neighbours, who
share a fascination with Hong
Kong's intriguing and
complicated history but with an
emphasis on Hong Kong's story as
a major port."
Fascinating and very informative
podcast by my close neighbours
DJ Clark and
Stephen Davies!
6 weekly episodes so far, with
frequent details of Pak Kok's
and Lamma's history:
Beginnings, What happened next,
The blockade, Steamy disasters,
World War I, World War 2.
They're taking a Xmas/NY break
for now as Stephen and his wife
are laying low in the UK for
now, plus they'll be in extended
hotel quarantine after returning
in a few weeks.

Jan 7:

The People of Lamma Island
"Little Thai is positioned
between the tennis courts and
the beginning of Snake Path,
making up half of a distractive
pair of neat and colourful
single-storey shops. On
weekends, the entrance of Little
Thai is barely visible with
crowds of visitors gathering to
browse products and buy a bag of
Sabina's famous Thai prawn
crackers on their way to the
beach. 'I lived in Phuket
for many years, I got to know
what the tourists like',
Sabina says with a smile...."

Jan 6:
Great news from
Living Lamma!

Click above for more info...

Jan 5:

Congratulations to Harry, very
impressive! I'd suggest to
negotiate a big bonuses for such
great social media figures from
the SCMP.
Wow, these are numbers that the
Lamma-zine is only dreaming of,
on and off Facebook. Our views
have been decreasing since the
days of 4+ million monthly hits,
but are still by far the highest
for any Lamma-related website.
Email/message me if you
disagree! ;~}

Jan 4:

How to get there, plus loads of
great South Lamma photos by Mike

Jan 3:

Another amazing photo from
Mute Planet's
Mark Malby! A
little secret beach 5 minutes
from the YSW ferry pier, a
favourite spot of myself and
other photographers. Amazing
views of YSW bay from inside
that pavilion!

Mark's one of my inspirations.
This is the best sunset I manage
to capture these days, see
above. Gotta try harder!

Jan 2:

The People of Lamma Island/a>
"...With Flor hailing from
Argentina, and Carlos from
Spain, the pair have travelled
the world performing for various
theatres and circus companies,
but they never feel far from
home; 'Circus is like
family because we are connected
in sharing this skill,' Flor
says. 'The circus community
is really supportive,'
Carlos adds.
Lamma provides Flor and
Carlos with the ideal space to
practice their art. The sandy
beaches act as a safer
alternative to concrete when
they try a new trick, and the
open areas of their village
remove the constraints of walls
and ceilings, giving them
complete freedom to create new
routines. The culture of the
island also acts as inspiration
for them, 'Lamma is an
artistic island, full of many
different people, and everyone
has something to offer,'
Carlos explains, 'it feels
like family, everyone looks out
for one another. That is the
soul of the island'..."

Jan 1:

P.S. Wow,
exactly 1 year since the last
day of my last exhibition.
Skipping 2020, let me try for
another show this year, anywhere
in HK. Suggestions?
