Exploring Sok Kwu Wan
Jun 21 -
My recent trip exploring Sok Kwu Wan. I hadn't been "down there" for quite a
few months.
Aberdeen Promenade
Jun 9 -
Aberdeen Promenade in South HK Island, just off the Lamma ferry pier.
Morning Songbird
Jun 8
- Songbirds making such a noisy racket, err, melodious chorus on our balcony
at 5:30am.

Jun 29:
Lamma Ginger:
Peng Community Garden
makes the big time with a focus
on gardening dynamo
Geoff Smith -
written by Laudable Lamma
Jane Ram."

"After a
lifetime of travel and teaching,
Geoff Smith has retired to Lamma
Island in Hong Kong where he
grows flowers. Photo: Edmond So
for SCMP"
SCM Post Magazine:
"Zoologist, English teacher,
The varied life of a
globe-trotting Briton, and his
best move ever – to an island in
Hong Kong.
Born in northeast England,
Geoff Smith taught in schools in
London, Africa and Papua New
Guinea, where he raised a
He moved to Hong Kong in
1993, retired in 2007, and
indulges his passion for flowers
tending a community garden on
Lamma Island."
P.S. My
favourite photo of my friend
Zep, growing
and breeding Hippies
(Hippeastrum flowers), spreading
them all over N. Lamma,
including into my balcony garden!

Jun 24:

The newish Tai Peng rain shelter
has been missed very closely by
an old tree felled by the
intense rainstorm the other day,
Ewa Wilkinson.
P.S. My own
historic photo of this rain shelter almost
Aug 8, 2011.
All uncredited photos in this
Lamma-zine are © by myself,

Jun 23:

Yardley Brothers Craft Brewery writes:
to know the Yardley Brothers
Cam McWilliam,
Marketing &
Communications Manager
"Cam and his wife Meg came
to Hong Kong in July 2019 from
Denver, USA, where they were
avid homebrewers and craft
brewery regulars. They love
craft beer so much that their
wedding party was held at
Colorado's oldest brewpub!"
Trashwave Beach Party
@ Powerstation Beach,
Sat, July 3!
will be music, free-flow draft
beer until the kegs run out,
slow-cooked BBQ, and other

Jun 22:
"We will be moving to Lamma at
the summer holidays but one
question my daughter and I have
is about the snakes… can they
get into the houses?"
A question from a future (maybe)
Lammaite in the
Lamma Island Residents
Facebook group, resulting in a
flood of "Typically Lamma"
"Yes, but don't worry, they
can get out again if you leave
the door open. Then close it
when they have gone!"
"I was shocked to find a
copper head racer on my rooftop,
it exited down the drain!"
"You'll see snakes when you
walk home. You'll have snakes
living in your garden. Snakes
(especially rat snakes and
cobra) are adept climbers and
will make their way up the
stairs to higher floors if their
prey is to be found up there.
Bamboo snakes are pretty
common around Lamma and a week
ago, we had a many-banded krait
juveniles blocking the entrance
to my home. If your kid is
terrified of snakes, frankly, I
wouldn't even consider moving

"Maybe it's a great
opportunity to train her to be
the bravest girl! I was scared
of worms, now I adore snakes."
"More likely to get the odd
roach, ants or baby centipedes."
"If the god of fear walks
amongst us, then all is lost."
"A big eagle looking bird
dropped a snake on our roof
once. It rains snakes on Lamma."
"I should point out it was
in the house and had cornered
the wife and toddler."
"Yeah. I ended up developing
my own snake removal technique
using oven gloves, long wooden
spoons, and plastic bags."
"Watch out for the green
viper. It is dangerous for
babies and dogs. They believe
they can bite the snakes. One
baby grabbed a centipede and put
into its mouth. Scary stuff."
"I was terrified of snakes
when I moved here. I saw a
python the first morning and had
nightmares for a month. But over
time I got desensitised and now
I'm able to say hi to the
resident rat snake and bamboo
snake outside my house when I
meet them.
"You could join the
Lamma Snake Sightings
Facebook group and have a scroll
to see what the general
situation is:"

Jun 21:

My recent trip exploring Sok Kwu
Wan. I hadn't been "down there"
for quite a few months. Many
Northern Lammaites from the
Greater Yung Shue Wan Area have
NEVER EVER visited here. It has
the feel of almost another
island for many.
It took me 3 ferries from 3
different companies to get from
Pak Kok Village to Sok Kwu Wan,
no direct ferry; or a pretty
long walk or bike ride over the
hills. Next time!
Quite a few changes have
happened in this very
slow-moving community, see photo
captions: Restaurant news,
subdivided flats at $5.5K, etc.

Jun 18:
All mask restrictions are still
in place, even outdoors for
fully vaccinated people like us,
despite ZERO local cases for
over a month now. But some public events are
starting to happen, finally!
3 Lamma events today, the 2
above, plus this one:
Quiz Night
@ Lamma Grill

Jun 9:

Aberdeen Promenade in South HK Island, just off the Lamma
ferry pier. There are many
more boat-shaped seats there and
they all have different colours!

Jun 8:

Songbirds making such a noisy
racket, err, melodious chorus on
our balcony at 5:30am, keeping
me awake! So I got up onto our
village house's rooftop and
snapped a few pics instead.

Jun 4:

Open Space writes:
"The Tai Peng Tee-Pee Trail
is ready for you!
The starting point is on the
Cable Road just opposite the
Tai Peng Community Garden.
Happy Hunting!"

Jun 3:

Yardley Brothers Craft Brewery writes:
to know the Yardley Brothers
Darryl Montgomery,
Support Technician
Originally from Western
Canada, Darryl moved to Lamma
Island from Singapore nearly two
years ago with his wife,
...He moved to Lamma after
competing in the Around
the Island Race in an
outrigger canoe in 2018. It was
then that he and Katherine
decided they wanted to move to
Hong Kong from Singapore after
seeing the surrounding islands
and that there was a lot more to
Hong Kong than the urban jungle
that is Central. While
exhausting, the race – in which
he finished 2nd runner up -
acted as a real eye-opener.
Darryl has been part of the
Yardley Brothers team for almost
one year. As well as working
behind the bar at The
Beer Shack two
nights per week, he provides
support to venues to install,
maintain, and service draft
systems and resolve other draft
issues customers might have...."
