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Power Station Facts

May 31 - "The proportion of gas-fired generation by HK Electric..."

Rescuing a Black Kite

May 30 - Pak Kok resident Dr. Anna Goldman (Instagram) to the rescue!

Mediterranean or South-African?

May 29 - A BIG compliment to LAPA Cafe Bar for this Mediterranean platter!


Preparing for Rainstorms & Flooding

May 27 - Several heavy rainstorms have caused flooding, especially on Lamma.


Love Living in Pak Kok!

May 24 - A big thank-you to the VV driver who stopped me...

Lamma Barber

May 23 - Before/ after visiting the Lamma Barber! Highly recommended for...


Curry Lover?

May 22 - "Don't let the rainy weather dampen your day, have a nice, warming curry!"

'I Love My License Plate!'

May 21 - Ex-Lammaite Frazer McGilvray, living on a not-car-free island now, writes:


Nightlife Resumed

May 14 - Our very lively nightlife has resumed in full now!

NO - NO - NO

May 13 - Where to get breads, cakes and pastries with NO eggs, NO milk, NO butter...


Archive Updates

May 12 - Best of Lamma-zine - Lamma News, Events, Spotlights Archives

Fish Deterrent System

May 8 - Lamma Power Station deterring fishes from the cooling water intakes.


My Favourite Lamma Lunch

May 7 - My personal favourite and very best value for money:

New Ferry Central - YSW

May 6 - New Govt.-subsidised passenger ferry started up on Sat, May 4.


Mox Lamma 500

May 5 - So many photos and videos from our yearly international dragonboat festival.

Cantonese Opera in YSW

May 2 - Golden Dragon and Phoenix Troupe Celebrates the Birthday of Tin Hau.


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May 31:  Power Station Facts

"The proportion of gas-fired generation by HK Electric is set to increase from around 56% in 2023 to around 70% in 2024. This proportion will go up further when L13 is commissioned."

From their Sustainability Report, end of 2023 some very interesting and impressive facts:

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May 30:  Rescuing a Black Kite

A Black Kite, endemic on Lamma, landed on a glass-encased village house balcony in Pak Kok Village and couldn't fly off anymore as the area was too small. Neighbours tried to find a way to free the increasingly agitated and exhausted kite.

Pak Kok resident Dr. Anna Goldmann (Instagram) to the rescue! She's got training in handling live and wounded animals and did a really fantastic job! (Photos above by Louise. South HK Island in background.) Anna writes:

"The kite was very exhausted. I didn't want to handle it too much, but I did a quick check of the wings and legs to make sure there wasn't any obvious injuries.
We placed the kite in a safe yet open area for when it recovered it could have enough room to fly off."

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May 29:  Mediterranean or South-African?

A BIG compliment to LAPA Cafe Bar and their great staff for this absolutely delicious Mediterranean platter!

Their big selection of South-African and other wines by the glass is impressive, delicious, of high quality and great value, especially at $30 Happy Hour prices!

I've got to try their South-African specialties very soon (LAPA is a South-African noun referring to "a courtyard or similar enclosure").

P.S. More glowing reviews!

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May 28:  Lamma Artists Rule!

Lamma Artworks - 2009 - '12

Lamma Artworks - 2013 - '17

P.S. Art Swap Exhibition 3.0 opens this Saturday, June 1, in the Lamma Art Collective on YSW Main Street. feat. art works, writing pieces and performances of 42 creative people:

I've been participating in 5 of their group exhibitions so far, but missing this one.

P.S. A fun, high-speed Reel of the opening party.

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May 27:  Preparing for Rainstorms & Flooding

Rain nourishes nature, but in recent years several heavy rainstorms have caused flooding all over HK and especially on Lamma.

So how is the Power Station prepared to cope with the increasing frequency of extreme weather? What are their best preparations?

  1. The newly-built and the future gas-fired power generation units will have their platforms raised by one metre, increasing the tolerance against future sea level rise and storm surges.

  2. All cable tunnels to HK Island used for power transmission are closed up to prevent rainwater from flowing in.
    The substation has a flooding alarm system and water-retaining walls and pumps are installed.
    Once the water level rises and triggers the sensor, the pumps will be turned on automatically to reduce the risk of flooding and ensure a stable supply of power.

  3. There are detailed contingency and power restoration plans, setting out in detail the actions and procedures for resuming system operation after the power supply is affected by extreme weather conditions.

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May 26:  Tin Hau Festival in S.Lamma

"Lamma Island Sok Kwu Wan Cultural Experience Tour!

Immerse in Fishermen's Life and Festivities.
The eagerly awaited Tin Hau Festival is just around the corner in Sok Kwu Wan, Lamma Island!
We are thrilled to present an exceptional cultural experience tour, taking you deep into the world of fishermen and their festive traditions.
Embark on an adventure from Sok Kwu Wan to explore the picturesque fishing village, and indulge in a mouthwatering seafood lunch along the way!
Plus, don't miss the opportunity to enjoy a complimentary viewing of a mesmerizing traditional opera performance!"

Videos, Photos and Reels

2024 Tin Hau Festival @ Sok Kwu Wan videos, part 1, part 2

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May 2:  Lamma History Lesson

Photo by JoeChenPhotography 

Lamma Island 101 – all about Lamma Island's history to today by Elisha Rae Patalinghug, Apr 11, 2024:

Read on to learn more about Lamma Island's journey from a fishing village to a residential and tourist hub:

Early Lamma Island, Colonial era impact, Fishing and industry, Lamma Island today."

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May 24:  Love Living in Pak Kok!

A big thank-you to the VV driver who stopped me off the Pak Kok ferry pier, offering to take my heavy shopping trolley to my uphill home for free (which I accepted)!

He even offered to give me a free ride home (too challenging as he already carried 1 passenger and a big box).

My most popular Facebook post so far this month!

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May 23:  Lamma Barber

Before/after visiting the Lamma Barber!

Highly recommended for Miles Yip's very professional service in the very first trimming of my wild-jungle-growth beard (started during the pandemic) into something distinguished and more suitable for a hot & humid Lamma summer!

Opened just a few months ago in his new 1/F location, open the black door just right from the Pets Village shop, opposite the Beer Shack pub/restaurant.

He's open 7 days/week for men, women and children, but make an appointment by phone/ WhatsApp 9540 3816 to be pampered in the Big Red Chair.

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May 22:  Curry Lover?

6 years already since Spicy Island opened with big fanfare. Congratulations to their anniversary! They even offer free meals for needy people!
See my opening story and my photos, click below. (BTW, almost all photos in this Lamma-zine are clickable for more content.)

Opening Spicy Island Kebab House not so long ago, a third location is in preparation in Lan Kwai Fong!

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May 21: 'I Love My License Plate!'

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May 14:  Nightlife Resumed

Events in YSW in just the next 3 days, May 15-17.

Our very lively nightlife has resumed in full now! Party on, dudes & dudettes! (Sorry for showing my age with this remark.)

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May 13:  NO - NO - NO

Where to get breads, cakes and pastries with NO eggs, NO milk, NO butter, NO dough conditioner, NO preservatives/stabilisers, NO bread improvers, NO enhancers, NO artificial and coloring, NO acids/sour powder, NO additional sugar?

What's left you might ask? Click above to find out and maybe even try some of these unusual creations.

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May 12:  Lamma-zine Archive Update

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May 8:  Fish Deterrent System

Presenting a video about using whale sounds at the Lamma Power Station to deter fish from clogging up the cooling water intakes!
This is dramatically efficient to massively reduce fishes and sea animals getting caught up in the cooling water intake pipes of the Power Station.

More about this and other interesting news in the latest issue of the HK Electric Online video. Check out the biodiversity survey on and beneath Lamma!

More very interesting, informative and often entertaining videos at HK Electric's Youtube channel.

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May 7:  My Favourite Lamma Lunch

Trying to find any proper non-Chinese lunch in Yung Shue Wan for below $100 has become very difficult, almost impossible as the local restaurants have become so much more expensive these last years.

By far, my personal favourite and very best value for money:
Spicy Island Restaurant and Bar!

"We offer Thali Set Lunches for only $89!

Choose from Lamb, Chicken, Fish or Vegetable curries. Set includes a side (pulao rice or naan bread), salad, appetiser and a drink (soft drink, tea or coffee)!

Available Mon-Fri, 12-3pm, except public holidays.

You can check out our full menu here.
Tel. 2982 0289, 7A-B Yung Shue Wan Main Street"

This is my own recent photo of my favourite lunch on Lamma:

P.S. New sister restaurant Spicy Island Kebab House informed us that they'll be closed for renovations from May 4.
Lamma-zine story about this new, very exciting and popular place after the reopening!

I've got to try some of their amazing (m)cocktails soon during their everyday Happy Hour, noon-6pm:

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May 6:  New Ferry Central - Yung Shue Wan

New Govt.-subsidised passenger ferry (with rooftop solar cells) started up on Sat, May 4, by HKKF on the Central-YSW route.

This new ferry will cut the journey time to 25 minutes. Click on the photo above for video & photos of the inside and lots of comments from Lammaites.
Major complaint: No outdoor seating anymore!

P.S. 1: "Is this this boat to Lamma? Brand New!"

P.S. 2: Questions to the ferry co. by Tom Grundy:

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May 5:  Mox Lamma 500

So many photos and videos from our yearly international dragonboat festivall Lamma 500 on Power Station Beach!

Truly international, off-Lamma teams like the Spanish Dragons, Buzz Dragonboating Society, Tadodragons, United Gorkha Community of India - HK, Flying Kiwis Dragon Boat Team, etc. joined all the local teams!

Many thanks to all the numerous supporters and sponsors, for example HK Electric who opened up the nearby, usually totally closed-off Power Station area for the races' finishing line setup.

Funniest moment of the Lamma 500:
Stage collapse with the victorious Under-18 Lamma Dragons junior team, 13 seconds into this video from Catherine Doo:

Best (drone) video of this event, by LammaUmami!

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May 2:  Cantonese Opera in YSW

Golden Dragon and Phoenix Cantonese Opera Troupe Celebrates the Birthday of Tin Hau: April 30 - May 4.

Click for full poster & detailed programme!

Behind the scenes at a pop-up travelling Cantonese Opera House on Lamma Island (HK Free Press)

"They presented a traditional Cantonese opera for five consecutive nights at a pop-up bamboo theatre.
HKFP’s photographer gained backstage access as the troupe prepared for the show."

Special very late ferries YSW to Central and by Tsui Wah Ferry to Aberdeen!

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Tin Hau Cup: won by Cheung Chau Wing Ho Dragon Boat Club

Lamma North RC Cup: won by Bearable Sports Association

HK Electric Cup: won by Pak Tam Chung Corridor Sports Club (Sai Kung), photographed here with HK Electric reps and Lamma's District Counselor Ting-Ting (left-most)

Race video ~ LAMMA DAY dragonboating team photos


The Lamma-zine started in 2002 and will be updated frequently with anything vaguely related to Lamma Island or her residents, be it news, stories, events, links, photos, artworks, videos, etc.

Contact Lamma-Gung with anything relevant to Lamma or Lammaites that you'd like to see published in the Lamma-zine, Events Calendar, Photo Galleries, Links or in our Eng. and Chin. forums!

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