about the long-pending drainage channel project from Tai Peng all through
the Yung Shue Long (YSL) valley into the harbour:
Due to local protests three
years ago it has been scaled back in size to only 150 metres in length,
from the bridge at the Refuse Collection Point to the harbour (see
maps below). The project will go into the public
announcement stage soon, so if you want to lodge objections, you'll get
your chance.
Details and maps can be
found below.
took me on a spontaneous, unplanned site visit to Sha Po Village on July
2, after I met her by chance over breakfast. Drainage problems are a topic
close to her heart as it affects many of her friends & constituents. She's
very unhappy about the scaling-back of the YSL valley channel, as she's
been fighting for it for many years now. She mentioned that, 3 years ago,
the YSL channel project was stopped by "Gwailo environmentalists" who care
more about the environment than flooding! She claimed regular flooding in
that area, including the bridge; considering the new plan insufficient as
it won't prevent flooding in the YSL valley. She says that
the current existing channel from the Refuse Collection Point to the
harbour is too narrow now, old, crumbling, choked with debris & garbage,
not wide and deep enough, and mosquito-infested as well. It would be
cheaper to widen the channel than paying external subcontractors to remove
vegetation & garbage from the current channel frequently.
I have to acknowledge the need for more drainage channels
around Yung Shue Wan in general. Much of Sha Po Village (see left) and the
valley beyond it are former swamps which have never been drained
comprehensively. The village houses are often surrounded by
almost-stagnant, stinking pools of grey water on private land; very
fertile and pretty with lots of plants, bushes and palms, but also a
paradise for the breeding of mosquitoes and critters of all kinds. Talking
to some local, long-time residents during our site visit, their houses get
flooded not infrequently. So they had to install flood barriers around
their houses which where built almost randomly throughout the valley
without planning or concern about drainage or access roads. This is just
one of many consequences of the seriously flawed Small Village House
policy of the former colonial govt.
Afterwards, I went to visit the
beautiful area of the future YSL drainage channel - just behind Main
Street (from behind Ah-Hay's/Fountainhead to behind Green Cottage/the
Fishermen's Shop). I took some photos of the current channel for reference
& archiving, before it'll be turned into another sterile, 2m-wide,
"utilitarian" concrete monstrosity, ugly but probably necessary. I was
walking along the channel from the Refuse Collection Point back to the
harbour. It's not really "open to the public", but who cares? It's such a
little-known, pretty area, I think, full of lush vegetation & colourful
insects - the highest density of pink dragonflies I've seen on Lamma so
far. Check it out before most of it will be gone forever. But the YSL
valley channel beyond the bridge has been saved for now....
SAVED CHANNEL: view from bridge at Refuse Collection Point towards YSL valley
Through the palm forest...
...into the YSL valley
"Lotus pond", a few metres beyond the bridge, en route to Tai Peng
A little burbling brook
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September 29, 2019 11:12 AM