Alysha Tarr - Paddler of the new Lamma Dragons Under-18s writes:
The Start Line - Shatin
Dragonboat Races, 6th April 2014
"As a new team on the race line against 23-year-old men and woman, you
could say it was quite frightening. We got into the rocky dragon boat
surfacing on the coca-cola coloured water and we paddled towards the
starting line. All the bystanders watched and clapped and our nerves settled
for a moment as we became proud to be apart of such a great group and
representing the first Lamma Dragons U18s team.
Once we arrived, we realised there was no turning back. We heard so many
noises; cheering, screaming and the staccato breathing of your fellow
paddlers but everything seemed to quieten when we heard our drummer shout,
'Quiet in the boat!' and now all we could hear was the deep inhales
and exhales of your own breath as our goal becomes clear. The finish line.

And then the voice came over the speakers: "ATTENTION!" and that
was it, as soon as the horn went off it was paddle, paddle, paddle. There
was an adrenaline rush that automatically filled our bodies as we used all
your strength in the first 5 strokes. Your focus was no longer on the other
teams, it was on your drummer and making sure your techniques was
synchronised with the paddler in front of you.
There was no time for thinking, as were nearly neck and neck with other
teams, which was actually quite surprising. Looking at twelve to seventeen
year olds who have had only two or three practice sessions compared to
twenty-three-year-olds which most likely have been training for a while, it
was quite exciting.

If you are interested in joining the Lamma Dragons U18 team, please
contact claudiatarr@gmail.com."
(Photos by mum Claudia &
Christopher Guinness.)
P.S. Want to have a look at the
Lamma Dragons Newsletter April 2014:
"For those who attended glorious Shatin, you would have witnessed another
historical day for the Lamma Dragons with the first-ever race of our kids
team. There was many a tear in proud parents' eyes at the end of the race.
Yes, we're talking about you, Brad!
Paddles up!"

Like my new poster? Should I get it printed to display it in a few selected
P.S. Happy & Delicious Easter Holidays to all our readers!

Latest article from WebMD, plus many similar articles in the medical press
and in hospital news:
Evidence Weight-Loss Surgery Helps Against Diabetes.
Having undergone Weight-Loss Surgery in Queen Mary Hospital Hospital
6 years ago, I was one of the lucky quarter of patients whose former
massive, long-term diabetes has gone into full remission, requiring no more
drugs, diet or any treatments since then. "A quarter of the people in the
sleeve gastrectomy group had remission of type 2 diabetes," so I
consider myself pretty lucky!
My other weight-related "co-morbidities" like blood pressure, severe sleep
apnea, knee pain, digestive issues, etc. have also completely vanished. I
have been completely medication- and symptom-free for several years now,
with an almost perfect glucose level and yearly, extensive blood and
diabetes complication screening results.
The great QMH doctors reduced only the size of my stomach to the size of a
single full rice bowl, via Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy, leaving my
digestive tract untouched otherwise. It's a much simpler and reduced
operation than the much more invasive and more common Gastric Bypass
("routes food directly to the small intestine, which means it bypasses
the stomach, duodenum and large intestines".) No long-term dietary
issues and restrictions with my VSG, unlike in a Gastric Bypass. But we save
half the money in eating out, only having to order a single set meal for the
two of us,... and we might have left-overs to take home.
single glass of alcohol per day is still permitted, but enough to make me
tipsy, as my small stomach absorbs any alcohol very quickly. I'm a really
cheap date these days and Lamma-Por appreciates that, I hope.
Yes, I can eat sweets and desserts again, no problem, but in moderation to
keep my weight steady. I might share a single donut.
Having kept my weight very steady for the last several years, the full
remission of my diabetes & related health problems is the main motivation to
maintain my weight, not looks (Still fogly - fat, old and ugly! ;-)
The diabetes and other co-morbidities would surely return right away if I'd
regain a major part of my former massive weight, making my life and health
pretty challenging again! Let me enjoy life in my 50s to the fullest,
walking/hiking/biking, living on a traffic-free island is a fine place to
remain healthy and fit!
Index of my ongoing weight-loss story:
Only Half the Man I Used to Be.

A Chan family - Chans start enjoying chicken feet early (2y, 4m old
Even after more than 12 years living on Lamma, I still discover major,
yearly, local events with zero "Gweilos" I've never attended before and that
are only promoted word-of-mouth. Even the long-time, non-local residents of
Tai Wan Village I asked had never been invited to or attended this almost
yearly event, on Palm Sunday, Apr 13, 2014.
The Chan Clan's feast is being held basically to celebrate being a member of
the large and influential Chan Clan "ruling" over a number of local
villages. Chairman Chan of the Rural Committee of North Lamma greeted
Lamma-Por and me, but there was a large number of VIPs and families from the
Yu, Chow, Wong and other local, major clans, the "usual suspects" and many
Tai Wan villagers, of course.

We were invited by the wife of a senior Chan Clan member (Thank you,
happy and successful flat-for-rent Lamma-zine advertiser!). As the only
Gwailo at the event, I was treated very friendly and warmly encouraged to
dig into the very nice, huge, frequently refilled, home-made buffet, with
several roasted suckling pigs. After the feasting, the piles of left-overs
were filled into lunchboxes and we enjoyed free food sufficient for the next day.
There was even half a donated bottle of fine red wine left that they
insisted on me bringing it home.

Some firecrackers outside the Chan Family Temple, some drumming, great
weather and a big free feast just outside the Hans Andersen Centre with
local families and friends; it was a great and fun event, demonstrating the
best of Lamma village life. We're looking forward to
Lamma Day on Easter Sunday!

Progress of Bike Park construction @ YSW Ferry Pier yesterday:

We're still not sure if this will be a full reclamation or just the promised
platform, similar to the ferry pier? The multiple signs along the ferry pier
seem to indicate temporary works only, including the many more cement blocks
to be added
(see barge) to be removed after completion of construction,

This banner inside the YSW Football Pitch (closed now for 1.5 months due to
Cantonese Opera over Easter, Apr 19-23) doesn't seem to make much sense as
there's not a single public and legal place to park a bike on all of Lamma
Island (?). That "Parking for Bicycles" sign above is the only one on our
island and it's a private space of Ngau Kee restaurant, opposite Pizza
Milano (to be relaunched as the Lamma Grill on July 1).

In the meantime, there's a
Temporary Bike Park just below the Lamma Winds windturbine, left on
Cable Road 2. It's been created after the recent clearing of the YSW Ferry
Pier, but it's locked and there's absolutely, definitely no legal way to get
your confiscated bike, trolley or child buggy back!?

This is the former, locked "temp bike park" inside the 1st phase of the YSW
Harbour Reclamation, completed around 15+ years ago. A few bikes are still
left, just besides the sand/gravel storage and the brand-new Police Station

After the completion of the official YSW Bicycle Area, there'll be
several more bike parks in the not-too-distant future:
At least 3 of them are already planned inside the
ex-Lamma Quarry housing development in South Lamma, serving those
future 5,000+ Lamma residents, especially the numerous kayak and canoe
paddlers around the future South Lamma main ferry piers (see above)???

Shot from our rooftop last night:

Jean Gorguet writes:
"Beauty lost its mother on a fresh spring day...
Here's a little Many-Banded Krait who had left the nest on the chilly end
of yesterday. The way it was using the grips to sneak away on the side of
the path was pure beauty.
Shot right in front of Studio 31 (my little house). I guess the bigger
version of what I saw last year a few steps away [see right] was a parent of
this little one. Be aware that there is a whole family of these along that
Further enquiry with Jean revealed that this family of very "scary beauties"
lives along the main path from our Pak Kok Village home to the ferry pier!
Don't tell Lamma-Por! Don't forget your flashlight!
Googling "Many-Banded Krait":
"Known to have caused several human deaths in Hong Kong."

Sean Creamer writes:
"Yesterday's walk inspired me to do a collage of some of the thousands of
unique post boxes across the island...
...more to come as we discovered Katelyn loves to be taken for long
I took my Mom and Katelyn for a walk on Lamma today to my favourite
little beach. The rain, wind and tide surge brought in all these little
rocks, glass and seaweed. It's not often you see stuff like this on the
beach so I thought I'd make a little collage of it."

Caroline & James are pleased to inform you
all that in July
we will be opening in our new location, 36 Main Street, currently the Pizza
Milano restaurant!!
Woo hoo!!!

Bike Mike
- Official Court Overseas Correspondent
(North Canada):
(Story &
photos by Bike Mike) |
Baffin Island, in Canada's
Arctic -
30, 2014:
How do two ex-Lamma residents
Neither Jules Meaney nor
Bike Mike had ever encountered each other
on Lamma. Jules, formerly of Back Street in Yung
Shue Wan had been gone from Lamma 9 years when
Bike Mike arrived here.
They first encountered each other
through photos both had posted on the secret
Lamma-zine Gay Forum.
"I knew right away Jules was
the Back Street Boy of my dreams", said Bike
Mike in an exclusive interview with
Lamma-Gung. Jules, who had been happily
married to Bonny, also formerly
of Lamma, did not know that he was "of the
other persuasion" until he met the verily
virile Bike Mike. "It was love at first
sight", said Jules.
Bonny and Jules did not part
amicably. Jules barely made it out of Toronto;
all he was able to salvage from his marriage
with Bonny was his pink DickStock T-shirt and
his denim shorts.
Travelling to Baffin Island to
join Mike, the man of his dreams, was a
particularly arduous and cold venture.
Fortunately, Mike had just the thermal pants for
Jules to slip into when he arrived.
The happy couple will soon wed.
Reverend Dan The Bastard will be
officiating. Nick Lovatt, AKA Nick The
Book, will give away one of the brides, and
Maria will give the other bride away.
Bike Mike's cousin Maria runs
Tigra da Lua in Tai Yuen Village,
Lamma's premier fashion and jewelry boutique.
A special musical interlude at
the ceremony will be sung by Lamma Dragons
she-warriors: Gina Miller, Rachel
Adams, and Claudia Tarr. They will be
backed up by a choir of Lamma Dragons and
Outrigger Canoe Club paddlers. Well-known
cartoonist, song writer, singer and Bearded
Ukulady Harry Harrison will perform a
special solo which he has composed for the
Photography will be provided by
France's Fashion Photo Icon, Jean Gorguet.
"I love these guys", said
Lamma Dragon Josh Sellers, "but I want
everyone to know that just because I bless this
sacred union doesn't mean that I steer the OC
from both sides of the boat".
Wine for the reception will be
the Lamma-zine house brand, Fat Bastard,
supplied by famous wine baron Brad Tarr.
The wedding will take place on
Baffin Island, in Canada's Arctic on April
1st. All are invited!


da Lua's Maria

Bike Mike in OCC attire

P.S. Barefoot Bike Mike is a
long-time Lamma-zine Overseas Correspondent, see some of his former
articles below. His most recent articles seem to arrive always
on the very same date every year:
April 1, 2012:
Lamma Eco-cycles Launch
April 1, 2011:
Eco-Development Starting Construction
April 1, 2010:
Island Bar Reinvents Itself