The planned and scheduled Artist of the Month didn't come
through with his info and drawings (no naming names) this month, despite
numerous reminders, so we're inserting another arts feature this month:
Below is a new work by a former Artist of the Month,
Derek Erskine from Australia who's been visiting Lamma Island for
several days last year. He writes:
"The mural below has been inspired by my stay on Lamma Island. I have
done about 100 pieces inspired by Hong Kong. At this point, I'm not having a
show in Hong Kong, but do plan to return to make a film next year..."

(See above, his new mural "The King and Queen of Lamma",
click to
enlarge, currently being displayed in Melbourne) -
Derek's Website.
Derek Erskine - former Lamma Artist if the Month - media
release: |
A 15 metre drawing inspired by Lamma Island
Derek Erskine is best known for his near-abstract
landscape/figurative paintings, in which he discovered, in the words
of one critic, 'a way of making the diversity of the Asian
landscape seem viscerally igniting.' Those who have experienced
a long journey by car or train through rural Australia will
immediately recognise where Erskine's imaginative landscapes derive
from: he paints the endlessness and vastness.
Erskine's achievement, though, is to convey the
awesome scale and distance of such seemingly uninteresting country.
He typically painted a muted background over the whole canvas, in a
colour like tan, ochre, silver or grey, then covered it with dense,
flecks of oil or lines of paint to suggest the forms of trees,
fire-blackened logs, or ferns -- with everything viewed as if from
the air or from a dream. Filled with light, air and a sense of
openness, these often sparse paintings are absolutely truthful in
capturing the silent emptiness of the Australian landscape, yet also
beholds an elegant, reductive beauty.
If Erskine had never painted anything else, this
work would be enough to secure his fame. But this Hong Kong drawing
inspired by Lamma Island in 2007 Derek Erskine is now reminding
collectors that there were many other facets to his art; and that,
like all great artists, Erskine is an individual who even in his
early career constantly strived to extend the boundaries of his
A large number of the works here were first publicly
exhibited in Hong Kong in an early-2007 touring exhibition,
organised in conjunction with the Australian Consul General.
Erskine is a very hard-working and organised artist
who has kept all his preliminary studies, sketches and drawings,
prints and many unexhibited and unsold paintings produced since the
late 1990s -- which has added up to a large archive of work. He is
an artist who concentrates on abstracted landscapes and also painted
such careful naturalistic studies of people will come as a shock to
some viewers. Another great surprise of this Asian inspired work --
especially coming as it does immediately after the muted, austere
works of the late 1990s -- is the way Erskine expressively applies
his impressions of a wonderful island in Hong Kong known as Lamma
Island. |

All photos by Jay Scott Kanes and Holger, click to
Here's a
QuickTime video with a 360-degree view from the very top,
shot with the latest Nokia N95 5Mpixel mobile phone! Many thanks,
Jay Scott Kanes, Intrepid & Valiant Mountain Explorer,
writes: |
Having lived on Lamma for seven years, I decided to
finally take one of its toughest tests.
On December 26th, I joined a five-member expedition
with my European friends, Simone and Holger, plus our respective
dogs Gail and Eric, to climb Mount Stenhouse, a 353-metre peak,
Lamma's tallest.
Simone, Holger and Eric had made the climb once
before, but they'd misjudged Stenhouse and struggled mightily along
the uneven, treacherous and overgrown trails. They wanted a rematch.
Under bright sunshine, we left Yung Shue Wan, our
home village, at 10 a.m. and walked across the hills to Sok Kwu Wan.
Looking skyward, we turned toward the "main mountain".
We trotted up a series of steps, passed hillside
graves (presumably not the final resting places for earlier
climbers) and started along steep dirt trails. Holger and Simone
led, I followed and the dogs trailed.
Soon, we humans perspired and grunted, grasping at
branches and bushes, even clumps of grass, to claw ever higher. At
the steepest spots, we dropped to all fours and crawled. Our
sure-footed dogs looked amused.
Forced to focus on the precarious footing, we seldom
gazed out at the panoramic views. Often I glanced back to confirm
that Gail, my canine companion, kept pace. Usually, she humbled me
by easily hopping higher, staying near my heels.
Stopping to look back, we noticed a group of Chinese
hikers, perhaps mainlanders, trekking below us, also ascending.
Usually, tourists prefer the much-tamer trail from Yung Shue Wan to
Sok Kwu Wan.
Three hours after starting, we clambered past the
final boulders onto the summit. Then, with faces lifted to the
sunlight, we collected a big payoff – spectacular views of Lamma,
southern Hong Kong Island and much of Lantau brushed by blue seas
and turquoise sky. Everything below, like Hongkong Electric's
massive power station, the adjoining beach, Yung Shue Wan and even
the skyscrapers on Hong Kong Island, looked tiny.
Intoxicated by the sights, we felt immune to
vertigo. Eric, a beagle, used the dramatic scenery to pose on every
big rock within reach. By then, the dogs needed water. We did too.
Everyone drank, relying on bottles from Holger's backpack.

Dog Surveillance on Sok Kwu Wan
The descent by another route proved even tougher.
Gravity tried to yank us face-first down the rocky slopes. Again, we
humans clung to branches and bushes, this time as brakes. Often we
sat and slid across loose dirt, riding on the seats of our pants.
At times, the badly overgrown path puzzled us. Had
it vanished entirely? When peering through thick bushes, we kept our
bearings by gawking at the rooftops of Sok Kwu Wan, nearing as we
descended. Finally, we emerged at one of the familiar green railings
that mark Lamma's main footpaths.
"We did it," Simone said.
"Yes." I nodded, feeling triumphant.
"Maybe only five per cent of Lamma's people have
climbed Mount Stenhouse," Holger said.
Weary, with rubbery legs and aching limbs, we soon
ended our six-hour journey back in Yung Shue Wan. We'd passed the
test, but not before Mount Stenhouse challenged us.
Holger, Simone and Eric plan to leave Lamma and
return to live in Europe. Even so, I expect we'll grapple with Mount
Stenhouse again.
Maybe I imagined it, but when stepping off the final
slope I could have sworn that I heard a throaty whisper, a parting
message from the mountain: "See you next time. We'll have more fun
Whirling, I saw only Gail behind me. As a happy
fellow-climber, she wagged her tail. |

Tricky Trails

The Pleasure of Progress

Rising in the World


Lamma South Side

Sok Kwu Wan

Descending... |
P.S. After this hard but rewarding ordeal, the five explorers all
joined our second rooftop party, Boxing Day mid-afternoon, looking still
fit, not completely exhausted as I'd have expected! Ahh, the whim and vigour of


What did about 150 of your fellow Lammaites get up to
together yesterday?
Snake dinner in Central! Following the Chinese-only
announcement posted in a few places like the Central ferry pier and the YSW
City Hall, Lamma-Por and I got ourselves tickets at just $125 each. This is
a yearly event organised and subsidised by our local District Council.
Lammadonna was meeting and greeting the dinner guests in a Central
restaurant which was reserved for the evening.
A yummy 8-course banquet was served, with 3 different snake dishes and snake
wine (see above) to which I really took a great liking. One free bottle was
included on each of the 13 tables. But only I and a local lady were
partaking any of the wine, finishing the free bottle together. Well, the
taste is actually rather pleasant, somewhere between white wine and whisky
in strength, clear colour, with a really strong aroma and a clean finish.
Very difficult to tell how much snake is actually in there or if it's more
of a marketing ploy to sell more of this Chinese wine with the added "health
benefits" of snake in Chinese medicine...
But why I'm always the only non-Chinese attending these yearly snake
dinners? There must be more Gwailos who like snake dishes? Maybe it might
help if these events would be announced not only in Chinese... Lammadonna,
are you reading this? I know that your staff is reading this...

Leela Devi Panikar – Author, republished from
her blog
with friendly permission. On
her website,
she writes:
"After spending my early years in Malaysia, Wales and Vietnam, I
settled in Hong Kong with Don, a stray cat and a cordless mouse.
When the cat isn't on the keyboard, I write fiction. When he is, I
take photos."
(First & last photo by Leela, 2. & 3. by Lamma-Gung who bought a
signed copy, 20% of the book sale going to Operation Santa Claus): |
Ferry arrives and a mass of
people emerges, fans out
from Yung Shue Wan pier.
Human tentacles spread, move
into main street, slide up
side streets and paths and
into hives of homes,
exploring. The more
vigorous, armed with sticks
and water bottles and hatted,
veer off. They strip outer
layers of clothing, too hot
for December sun on their
backs. They hike across the
island, over the hump and
head to Sok Kwu Wan, focused
on seafood lunch. Fish,
prawns, crabs, lobsters and
sea creatures frantically
wait, swimming in no-escape
study holiday chalet window
vacancy notices.
people seeking crucial
country experience
photograph dogs with their
mobile phones. Many stop to
admire and pat them. Free
and business-like dusty dogs
are everywhere: in the
streets, in the alleys, in
the restaurants, running
back and forth quenching
their thirst from plastic
bowls set out by dog-loving
shop owners. Other dogs, lap
dogs, sophisticated and on
expensive leashes, heads
held high, lead owners
through the crowd. The dogs,
those island dogs, they have
seen it all before.
Bicyclists, Lamma belongers,
impatiently ringing bells,
pedal past, avoid hitting
the throng. Narrow trucks,
on roads narrow, carry stone
cement and steel rods to
pile more homes upon homes.
Mini-ambulances and
mini-fire trucks pass by,
keep watch. Policemen on
bicycles greet Kailash
Vernon, Gung the Zine, and
Nick the Bookman, long beard
lifted by breeze.
Trendy artists,
photographers, writers and
Da-da duos frequent bars,
restaurants, craft shops and
pavement cafés. Spicy
Island, Deli Lamma, Island
Bar, Banyan Bay, Bookworm
and Just Green.
wait, try on ideas, catch
browsers with attitude, talk
them into buying nothing
needed - clothes on racks,
casual and neglected chic,
organic foods, potpourri,
handicraft, candles and oils
dwellers seek an alternate
style, connect to their
of day. Visitors, having
found themselves, leave.
They thread their tired way
like a sad song towards the
pier and home. The last
ferry moves away, diminished
Lammaites, islanders who
stayed solid, pulsing,
dreading, waiting, through
the day, now affectionately
settle back, their lives
High tide
rhythmic, no stars, was
there a moon?
friendships renewed, new
island friends made,
'Floating Petals' signed.
you, Sharon and Dan.


First Christmas party ever in L-G's Rooftop
(all photos by Jimmy the Fung Shui Master (on the left, a future
plus John & Eva, Elizabeth & Roy. Story title by John)
Appetiser Buffet, including salads plucked fresh from the Vegi Garden
The free bar is open now!
Recycled "Disposable BBQ Set", bought in Main
Main course ready to be unwrapped (from
New Holiday Mood)
Hurry up, Royal Roy looks hungry!
(notice his Christmas Cracker Crown!)
The guppies seem worried about becoming part
of the menu, maybe?

Jimmy writes: "Christmas Day was great!
Thanks to Lamma-Gung & Lamma-Por!
I hadn't had turkey dinner for 8 long years since I left my lovely country,
Lunch started at 2pm, I met two other fellow Canadians too, John & Eva.
We had a great great time on the rooftop."
5 guests digging in today, Christmas Day;
8 more for tomorrow's party!
Royal Roy - The Cyan Studio: |
A Sumptuous Feast
Our thanks to Lamma-Gung & Lamma-Por
(genial hosts of Christmas Present) and
their belly-busting rooftop food
extravaganza. Calm, kind and considerate
company: John, Eva, Jimmy, Elizabeth and my
good self, made an exceedingly pleasant
backdrop to the star of the show – top-notch
scoff. Freshly-barbequed tidbits were
followed by the freshest of salads cut from our
hosts' rooftop Eden to complement the Salad
Afternoon which continued with Elizabeth's
Tuscan bean salad, and John's mother's decadent
marshmallow fruit sensation. To top it all so
far, we had the cheese – Emmenthal and Cambozola,
before the main course; a treat for an
Englishman who would normally have to wait for
the end of the meal. Now, as a semi-ascetic who'd
already eaten more than I do in a week, I was
surprised to find myself with an empty glass and
plate, eagerly awaiting the first slices of the
stupendous bird (a 14-pound turkey from the New
Holiday Mood restaurant). Deliciously firm,
and just dry enough to be perfectly moistened by
rich gravy and alcohol-fuelled cranberry sauce, hai-yah! Gustatory delight was completed
with the warm fullness of the first of many
roast potatoes. Oh, to so pleasantly stuff
one's face and feel no adverse effect. Panettone, Godiva truffles, and
Bendick's chocolate mint selection finished us
and our spectacular meal, most decidedly, off. We also got to see
Dragon Cabinet, but that's a story in itself.

My stepson has been visiting Lamma for a night of relaxing and BBQ with his
9 best mates. These guys in their twenties rented a G/F holiday flat from a
Main Street agent who's also running a grocery store. I visited and
interviewed them the next morning when they were checking out, returning to
their more typically HK homes on HK Island, Mongkok, New Territories, etc.
They found Lamma very relaxing and peaceful, as expected, and promised to
return someday soon to see more of it than just Yung Shue Wan, maybe even
walk to Hung Shing Yeh beach or even hike all the way over to Sok Kwu Wan
like so many weekend tourists.
But their night in the recently renovated holiday flat might have reminded
them of their often cramped living conditions at home, several of them still
living with their parents as HK rents are simply unaffordable for most
single young guys of modest means, usually making below HK$10,000/month. The
standard-size 700sqft flat was promoted as sleeping 14 (!) persons, actually
having 14 "beds", incl. some double mattresses on the floor, filling all
rooms, even the living room, see above!
But the guys didn't seem to mind being charged HK$2,000 for this single
night, as it came to only $200/head. Considering that a flat like this would
usually produce about $5,000+ rent/MONTH, this is a steep price indeed, a
new record to my own, admittedly limited knowledge of the local property
market. No wonder that more and more holiday homes are popping up around
Yung Shue Wan, with such great profits to be made...
Topping even the tight sardine-can-packing of this holiday flat, there's
another place dividing a standard 700sqft flat into two and putting ten beds
into EACH 350sqft space! What next? Maybe I should rent out my rooftop?

Several YSW restaurants have been promoting Christmas dinner sets. Here's
one from our advertiser B&B Restaurant & Grill. They put on a
top-quality 5-course dinner for $238, which Lamma-Por and I have enjoyed
greatly. We'll remain loyal customers, as long as outstanding Master Chef Ramond will be
cooking there!

P.S. Where can you get a full Christmas dinner set for
just $98?
In the Bookworm Cafe
(another Lamma-zine advertiser), that's
where! The place was packed when we enjoyed this vegetarian Nut Roast set dinner last Sunday. It happens on
all four Advent Sundays before Christmas every year, attracting a sell-out
crowd of regulars and curious new residents attracted by the low price and
high reputation of the Bookworm Cafe.
Click below for pictures of last year's very similar, tasty event:
Who's Nuts for Nut

"Christmas 2007 Music" on
Dec 22, starting inside
The Island Bar,
followed by a "Musical Parade in Village", collecting donations for
Operation Santa Claus:

Merry Christmas or Happy
Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/Winter Solstice or simply Happy Holidays or
whatever religious festival or secular event you'll be celebrating with your
friends and family in the coming days!
All the very best to you and your
loved ones, may your wishes come true!

Wintertime is usually a quiet time for HK gardeners. As we'll
be having two Christmas parties in our rooftop garden very soon, I took a
few more photos before the ravenous and ill-behaved hordes of Lammaites, um,
err, sorry, dear friends will be laying waste to my carefully cultivated
rooftop oasis…
One of the future party guests, walking his dog, spotted camera flashes on
my rooftop and guessed correctly that I was "photographing everything
while it's still intact -- before the rampaging BBQ guests arrive on
Christmas Day????" Well, my friends are (usually) very nice, so I have
no real fear for my garden, besides maybe setting a few dry leaves or wood
panels ablaze with the BBQ by mistake!
After Israeli Keren did all the hard work of setting up and planting most of
the original garden for us half a year ago, I've been watering, grooming,
expanding and upgrading it on an almost daily basis, every morning after
breakfast. It's all fine, healthy exercise for a couch potato sitting on a
computer most of the day!
Looking at these pictures, I'm amazed on how well my plants are still doing
so close to Christmas, so many of them still green, still blossoming, still
a pleasure! In my country of origin, Switzerland - emigrating exactly 20
years ago on Dec 21 - it's snowing right now and nothing much is growing at
all... I love HK's climate!

Main area of Lamma-Gung's Rooftop GardenTM

Closing in on my favourite area, my joy and
pride. Basically, I plant anything that looks nice and colourful and can
survive on a hot and windy rooftop, hopefully.

Flower Corner, just a painted bookshelf w/a
jumble of whatever is blossoming...

Vegi Garden, using one of Dave & Bing's
It's all-organic, like the entire rooftop
garden - I'm just too lazy and un-knowledgeable to use any chemicals,
fertilisers or pesticides or fungicides or any other -cides. Nature will
take its course and it's all good so far.
The lettuces and single tomato plant are
growing beautifully, much faster than a few, rare caterpillars can eat them.
In the shade, Chinese vegis and carrots...
This will be the freshest-ever salad buffet
for our Christmas parties,
with guests most welcome to pluck their own favourites!

The new Creepers & Nursery area is for plants
growing up in the shade, waiting to be integrated into the other sunnier,
more exposed areas.

Guppy Pond: The multi-coloured guppies
seem to like the various fast-growing water plants and the fountain,
swimming forth and multiplying happily...
P.S. Send me photos of your Lamma garden, whatever it
may be, from herbs and vegis on your balcony to bushes and trees in your G/F
garden. I'll show it all off on this home page, for all your friends to
admire and give you face and praise!

Are you an economic refugee living on Lamma coz of the low
cost of living? Too poor to eat some days? Down and out? Don't despair!
There's help for you, provided by our Rural Council: free rice!
Pick it up today directly from the Yung Shue Wan City Hall, our Rural
Committee building, opposite the HSBC bank...
...but only if you have registered in advance and are over 65 years old and
a Lamma resident!
Would be interesting to find out what the difference is between regular and
"Caring Rice"...
Afterwards you can enjoy local children singing carols in the VV Parking Lot
from 6-6:30pm, just besides the Lamma Activities Centre, vis-a-vis the Deli
Lamma... also for free!

A public performance in the Yung Shue Wan Shopping Mall (IFC
mall) today. Interesting what the mall management thinks will cause us to
slip into a shopping frenzy and buy loads of their vastly overpriced brand
name stuff...
It was a pretty impressive performance by a very handsome
troupe of acrobats. But I only caught a few minutes on my way to catch the
very first day of an "atheistic" (according to the Vatican) Christmas movie
(by Disney Corp!) in the IFC Palace cinema: The Golden Compass. A
truly wonderful movie transporting you into an enchanting fantasy world full
of weird people, talking animals, witches, wondrous mechanical contraptions
and amazing sets. Quite a bit like Lamma, but so different as well...

Waiter Paddy and Chef Ramond of B&B
both thumbs up for their really great service with a smile!
(made to look like old, faded photos, masking the poor phone camera
you enter a restaurant and the waiter makes you feel welcome right away. He
recommends, without being asked, what's good and fresh today ("Norwegian
salmon, just arrived!") in almost flawless English. He follows up on your
order, even comes by to tell you that it'll be a few more minutes for the
main course to arrive and is generally very pleasant, professional and
Then the main courses arrive. You tell the waiter that you really love the
soft, flaky salmon with crunchy skin and a wonderfully creamy, tangy sauce.
The waiter forwards your compliment to the chef immediately and he emerges
spontaneously from the kitchen right away. Not being too busy tonight, on a
Wednesday, he starts chatting to you in good English and in Chinese to your
He's new here and the kind of ebullient, out-going, self-confident and
highly entertaining chef you hear about but have rarely ever met in real
life. He even sits down for a long chat, answering questions, divulging a
favourite recipe, telling about his former stints in 5-star hotels, posing
for a few snapshots, even changing into his more formal chef attire for the
Available only
on Dec 24/25/26.
Call 2982 4388 for reservations
and inquiries.
If you go, please tell them explicitly that you've heard about
their Christmas Dinner from this website, please!
Click here! |
Then he advertises his freshly made, cool Tiramisu and it is really to die
for, rivaling even the other best Tiramisu in the village, in the Deli
Lamma. After a long, lasting and happy experience for both you and your
wife, they waive the service charge and you leave a big tip, having
thoroughly enjoyed the entire high-class dining experience.
Could this happen to you in Yung Shue Wan, or anywhere on Lamma, in fact?
Most of our restaurants are reasonably cheap and quite OK; friendly, yes,
but not really measured by number of Michelin stars.
But the above high-class dining experience happened to me and
last night in B&B Restaurant and it was quite a marvelous surprise. B&B has
always been a welcoming place, with Danny outside warmly greeting anybody he
knows who's passing by. They're also a loyal advertiser on this website.
Because of this fine experience, we'll be back on Christmas Eve, changing
our former plans, and splurge out on their Christmas Dinner Set (see above left).
Paddy and Ramond will be awaiting us... with a smile and more stories, I'm

in progress...

in progress...

Dan Peterson – Co-owner of
Island Bar:
(Photos and captions inside this media release by Amanda,
all photos before and after this release by L-G) |

Riley's Runners

Giant Llamas


Danger Dogs
Treasure Hunting and
More on Lamma Island
Santa Lives on Lamma
Island too!
17 December 2007
Over hill and dale,
fourteen intrepid teams of four trekked around Lamma
Island last Sunday on the 8th Annual Island Bar
Treasure Hunt in support of Operation Santa
Claus. With a potpourri of prizes donated by many
local hostelries to be won, enthusiasm was high to
come up with the Most Original Name for The Team, to
wear the Most Original and Imaginative Costumes, to
be the Fastest to Complete the Course, to get the
Most Right Answers, and more!
Special thanks this
year not only to Carlsberg, Fine Vintage, Heineken
and Stella Artois/ San Miguel, but also to local
establishments Best Kebab, Blue Bird Jap. Rest.,
Banyan Bay Café, Diesel's Rest., New Holiday Mood
Rest., Lamcombe Rest., Lamma Gym, Pizza Milano,
Spicy Island Rest. and The Waterfront Bar &
Rest. We Appreciate You All!
To keep spirits up
while the later teams were still negotiating the
course, Father Christmas was paraded through Main
Street on a Sedan Chair kindly borrowed from Matilda
Hospital. Santa performed superbly in entertaining
the little ones while his cheerful elves collected
generous donations from the shops, restaurants, bars
and general public en route. For his finale, Santa
distributed sweets to the children from his ‘Grotto’
in a public sitting out area, and patiently ensured
that anyone who wanted a photo keepsake with him
could have their wish.
HK author Leela
Devi Panikar visited for the weekend from the
far-off land of Clearwater Bay to host a book
signing for her latest effort entitled 'Floating
Petals' on Saturday and Sunday, generously donating
25% of sales to Operation Santa Claus.
The count for
Operation Santa is not yet in since there are still
a variety of fun projects organised by Lamma
residents to be accounted for and more yet to come.
A Children’s Jazzy
Christmas Musical Ensemble will be held on
Saturday, December 22nd, followed a few days later
by the traditional Christmas Carols for adults
evening on Christmas Eve. Both will begin and end
at The Island Bar in Yung Shue Wan and are
guaranteed to be fun events, so make a note in your
Christmas is a
special time of year and nowhere moreso it seems
than on Lamma Island, where Yung Shue Wan, the small
community with a really big heart, is helping to
make Christmas more special for those less fortunate
through Operation Santa Claus!
For information:
Sharon – 2982 2800;
Kumar – 9717 2165; Dan – 9030 2888

6's & 7's

Amanda & Santa

Santa's Little Helper

Bad Santa

Sexy Elf

Silly Santas |
Santa passing Diesel's -- Mr Fishball donates
to OSC -- Leela @ her book-signing

Going out
just for a quick late lunch in the village this Saturday afternoon - after
decorating our Christmas palm at home - it
struck me what an exceptionally friendly and happening place Yung Shue Wan Village
actually is:
Being greeted and waved to by numerous friends and acquaintances walking by, chatting to some of them.
Being treated to a free dish of daily
soup in Man Kee Rest., while sharing a single dish of Spaghetti Bolognaise with Lamma-Por.
Being thanked by Nick the Bookman for
the framed "psychedelic" picture of himself I gave him for his recent
birthday - also shown in my recent exhibitions.
Being stopped by a property agent running out of
his office when we passed by. He wants to advertise a house for rent at the top
of this page. After a bit of friendly haggling we agree on a price that we're both happy with.
Buying a cheap string of non-blinking Christmas lights,
the shop-owner at the newspaper stand replaces a few of the individual lightbulbs with different
colours of our own choice, with a smile and without any grumbling.
Confirming the pick-up time for our cooked turkey
from New Holiday Mood Restaurant for our rooftop Christmas parties, we get a 10% discount on our pre-order,
WITHOUT even asking for it!
Stopping by at Tropicana, buying just a little item, we get an entire, nicely decorated, home-made chocolate roll for free - as a
yearly Christmas gift for loyal customers!
While all of this is going on, all these free local events are
happening today as well, as listed and described in our
Events Calendar:
Wonderful Journey around Lamma
- a free cruise circling Lamma.
Petanque tournament - the
French ball game, yearly HK-wide championship and a celebration of all things French.
Leela Devi Panikar's booksigning, for Operation Santa Claus.
Da-Da Duo - new Lamma band performing in The Island Bar.

Nick the Bookman – Official Court Music Reviewer for Lamma
Bands: |
Hi, Lamma-Gung,
Can you post this
in The Oscar Death file or whatever the forum is
called. Thanx, Nick.
Jack, Fang, Stealthy Stella, Bao Bao the
neighbour and Xena, Warrior Princess want to
thank all you human pets who passed on
condolences about the "gone" of Oscar (no
canine/human translation available).
We want to say
that he was a real sob at times, hogging the bed
and eating our Kibbles, but he was also a good
watchdog and protected the front door
ferociously. Now he's not here, so we can't tell
him anymore that he was a real sob at times,
hogging the bed and eating our Kibbles...
Thanks also to
mamapet, Lena, for always feeding us when we
tell her to and for making papapet Nick write
down this thank you for all you other humanpets.
It was quite easy actually. We told him we would
teach him the secrets of how to lick his own
genitals and he was quite (WHAT!!! Now, wait a
minute, guys. You promised that would be our
secret and you wouldn't tell any one!) We didn't
say ANYTHING! You're the one who's writing all
this down. We're just figments of your
imagination... (Oh yeah, that's right. Anyway,
NO MORE Kibbles for you...mutter, mutter)

Geno was asking in our forums recently:
happened to Hong Kong Copy News? The regular satirical look at
current events in the SAR was one of the funniest things I have seen in a
long time. Does it still exist?"

Yes, I was wondering about that as well, no news from
Daniel MomentEye since July 30, the last episode of the hilarious HK Copy
News (see and click above.)
It seems that he got the little newsreader guy a name
by public vote (Dim Blather) and then killed him off, or at least
sent him into an extended hiatus. It might well be that Daniel has parlayed
his professional fame from his wonderfully cynical animations into a
high-flying, highly-paid job in town? Clever guy, I might follow his lead
someday, but I'll have to work on that "professional fame" thing a lot more
Daniel MomentEye has been spotted regularly on the rush hour ferries. So this means that the theory of "too busy with his
new high-flying, highly-paid top executive job to bother anymore with unpaid
& time-consuming hobbies like HK Copy News" might have some credibility?
That would be too bad, another wonderfully creative
venture squashed by the irresistible temptation of cold, hard cash...
Also, any news from Daniel's fledgling standup comedy
routines (Takeout Comedy Club half a year ago)?
In the meantime, let's speculate about what happened
to Dim Blather!
- Got fired from newsreading for public indecency or
something scandalous?
Political intrigue and pressure from above to get him removed?
Lost in Cyberspace?
Alien abduction?
Re-education? (Geno)
Is HK Copy News (tick one):
deceased, in hiatus, on sabbatical, pending indefinitely, to be relaunched soon,
something else altogether, please explain:....................
And then,
FINALLY, we received an update from Daniel
MomentEye, in
Daniel MomentEye – Sole Proprietor of HK Copy News News: |
Oh, you
know how it is.
The caviar and crystal parties that they throw for
you when you do something interesting on the web.
Pretty soon you forget about the little people who
got you there.
And let's face it at 3 and a half inches tall Dim
Blather is one of the littlest.
course, that's no excuse for turning your back on a
When they came for the cartoon newsreaders I did not
stand up
because I was not a cartoon newsreader
And because cartoon newsreaders have no legs.
Last I
heard he had gone underground;
Living in the sewers, eating rats and stray
Maybe he'll get lucky and mutate a superpower.
But he's far more likely to get leukemia.
Don't play with radiation, kids.
meteorology for that matter.
OK, question answered and everything clear as mud now?

Doug Netzel – Mad Dog
Motorcycle Club / HK Chapter - Member #162 - Sgt. At Arms,
Events 2007 (All photos by Mad Dog MC): |

Bikers, Friends and Supporters.
As you know last Sunday, Dec 9th
2007, MDMC Hong Kong held our Annual
Charity Toy Run 2007 with huge success.
The ride started a bit late from
Granville Square, but the pace picked up
with open throttles after leaving
Granville Road, down Austin Road to
Canton Road.
With Mad Dog Biker Santa "Ton Arthur"
leading the pack along side Road Captain
for the Event "Brian=168=" waving at the
public while Christmas shoppers and
Waved in excitement and snapped the many hundreds of pictures taken from
their cameras and cell phones.
The 38+ riders then headed thru East
Tunnel to Shek O for a Christmas lunch,
rest and to watch Santa hand out "Candy
Canes Sweets" to local children.
After filling our beer guts with Thai
food, the group headed down the Hong
Kong Island Coast thru Repulse Bay, then
onto Wanchai and Central Area where the
streets were lined with Christmas
shoppers and Philippine House Workers
who recognized the Mad Dog MC, and were
shouting "Mad Dogs.... Mad Dogs".
The Ride ended at
Bull and Bear Bar, Wanchai,
for much-needed beers. Being greeted by
friends and Mad Dog families was
welcomed with huge smiles as we have
done another successful event making MDMC even more popular with the public
and Hong Kong Biker Clubs who joined our
The Mini-Moto Bike Auction went smoothly
at 4:00pm with Tom Arthur as auction announcer;
it raised another $1,100 for charity.
Lucky Bidder "MDMC - HK Prospect Andy
Bachtiar" took the lead and out-bid phone
caller Dog Mick whose bid was $1,000.
Many thanks to Gary Lee and V-Twin Club
Member Tommy, Chopper Union Members,
Cruiser Hong Kong MC for joining and supporting this much-needed
Mad Dog MC (HK Chapter) is happy
to announce that we have met our goal of
$20,000+ for
"Operation Santa Claus" and have a
Mountain of Toys to donate.
Also in closing, I personally like to
thank all the Charity Sponsors
and Bear Bar and Restaurant, Man Wai
Motorcycle Center, Race Enhanced Auto
Care and Accessories from Queensland
Australia and all the public who donated
Big thanks to MDMC Santa
"Tom Arthur", all road blockers, "Prospect Andy", Mad
Dog members Ian and Jon DA Dog, also
Cruiser Hong Kong Members who also
gratefully helped block traffic and helped
keep this ride safe, Brian as Road Captain, Mingo for taking up the rear,
and President Rob (Editor: a
Lammaite) for representing our
Chapter and giving a damn good interview
to South China Morning Post Reporter
Kelly Chan, who I sure is still shaking
in her shoes after her first-ever ride
through Wanchai on the back of my Hog.
Enjoy the pics.
Click for a fine
SCMP story and interview about this fun


The current and former owners of the Deli
Lamma: Prafull & Tracey
Prof Red Star with two of his fans (Wife
Santi on the left)

Tracey Duggan – Running the Deli
Lamma before Prafull:
(15th anniversary of the Deli today! Let's hear from
the very first owner!) |

The Deli Lamma was
originally the Capital Too (the Capital One was
where Holiday Mood is now). It was used when the
Capital One was full (rarely). I purchased the
licence and all fixtures and fittings (which we then
threw out as we gutted the place) from the Capital's
From start to finish
it was approx 9 weeks of incredibly hard work and
long long hours. Clive Keep designed and oversaw the
building of the bar, seating areas, kitchen etc etc.
Chunny was the plumbing and electrics. Paul Duggan,
Alistair Robbins and Bongo Mark were paint work and
carpentry. Jules built the stone part of the bar and
the table bottoms.
Eamonn McCormick was the man behind the food - I was
front of house, hiring and firing.
We really enjoyed the
years running up to the handover - we had huge
parties, live bands, police raids, heavy heavy
drinking and eating - the Deli was the place to be.
When it opened, the only other gweilo place to eat
was the Waterfront. The day we opened was the day
after the Corner Bar closed so we had a captive
audience. We used to serve traditional roast dinners
on Sunday evenings, people used to come from HK for
Eamonn's Yorkshire puddings - our best ever Sunday
was 98 roast dinners!
I started the Deli
Lamma because I needed a job which would allow me to
stay on Lamma and be mum to my now 15 year old
daughter (she was 1.5 years old then). I had
incredible support from everyone around me and it
was a very happy time of my life. When I sold it to
Praful in 1998, I had had enough of drinking, late
nights and smelling of smoke. I don't miss that
life, although I remember those days fondly.
I haven't many
pictures of events at the Deli, I was too busy
serving to take pictures!
Praful has asked me to send you some
pics from old Deli days. Here are some classics of
the Deli under construction. Special thanks always
goes to the wonderful Clive (architect
extraordinaire) and Chunny (electrical wizard) Eamonn
McCormick, Paul Duggan, Alistair Robbins and Mike
Duggan for carpentry, painting and advice.
Construction of the Deli Lamma, 15
years ago:


Dan Peterson – Co-owner,
Island Bar, Yung Shue Wan: |
Operation Santa
Claus 2007 in Full Swing on Lamma Island
(10 December 2007)
The Island Bar at Yung Shue Wan
on Lamma has already successfully completed the
first of its Christmas activities to raise funds for
Operation Santa Claus. On 1 December
(Saturday) a Quiz Night of
Christmas Music was moderated by Dave,
our regular monthly quizmaster, with entry fees
donated directly to The OSC Boxes. The fun-filled
evening also featured the peculiar and lovable blend
of music and mayhem administered only by the
Yung Shue Wan Curs.
Still to come is a full and
exciting month for OSC on Lamma Island. When two
courtesy Christmas Trees
were kindly delivered from Stella Artois and San
Miguel to the Island Bar and The Waterfront
restaurant, the management quickly came up with an
idea to create a little more income for Operation
Santa Claus. From today, Monday the 10th,
customers and passers-by can
purchase a ribbon
at either establishment ($20 for adults, $10 for
kids) to help decorate the tree and make a wish for
their personal Christmas desires. And, as a bonus,
the trees will be raffled just before Christmas so
that those less organized can have the opportunity
of purchasing a ready-dressed tree!
On 15 December
(Saturday) the Island Bar will enjoy live music by
two of Lamma's well-known, well-liked and very
accomplished musicians and vocalists, Dan James and
Dave Green, performing as the
Dan & Dave Duo, or
Da-Da for short.
Then on 16 December
(Sunday), the 8th Annual
Treasure Hunt will depart from The Island
Bar, taking its unwitting participants on a series
of family adventures over hill and dale on Lamma
Island. On the same day, Santa's Parade through
Yung Shue Wan village will feature Santa in a sedan
chair (on loan courtesy of Matilda Hospital)
accompanied by his elves and loads of children.
In addition to generous prize
donations from Carlsberg and Heineken, there will be
a sleigh-load of other great prizes, including food
and beverage vouchers from Yung Shue Wan's many fine
establishments: Best Kebab, Blue Bird Japanese
Restaurant, Cath's Banyan Bay Café, Holiday Mood,
Spicy Island, The Waterfront Bar & Restaurant,
and more!
Also on 15 and 16 December
(Saturday and Sunday), The Island Bar will host a
book signing with Leela Devi
Panikar and her new release, "Floating
Petals". Leela will generously donate 25% of her
proceeds to Operation Santa Claus.
Saturday evening, 22
December will see a
concert by classical musicians organised
by Lamma's Rie Wada and her daughter Louie, followed
by children's carolling
with strolling musicians in the streets,
shops and restaurants of Yung Shue Wan village, and
a Christmas jazz finale.
On 24 December
(Christmas Eve), the annual OSC
adult carol singing
session will be held at The Island Bar.
Still in discussion for the
week between Christmas and the New Year are an
OSC Bingo Night and
an OSC Air Guitar
All events are open to the
public and all are invited. So come and enjoy some
Christmas fun on Lamma Island, while helping to make
Christmas more special for those less fortunate
through Operation Santa Claus!
For information:
Sharon – 2982 2800
Kumar – 9717 2165
Dan – 9030 2888

(Click above to view the entire calendar)
selling these
desktop calendars for $188
(half to charity, discounts on orders of at least 3 pieces), with 12 pictures from my group exhibition today in
The Cyan Studio.
It's hand-made from inkjet prints on extra-thick, glossy or matte photo paper, A5
size, ring-bound with a cardboard stand. Deadline for orders: Jan 31, 2008. The
exhibition sample calendar has already been sold.
Contact me.

Bluelotus –
The Enchantments Institute - Yung Shue Wan |
A New Dawn for Civilization, A
New World for You
Dear Agents of
Don't miss this
chance to hear Laurence James Lucas, who is
presenting a series of three talks at the New Age
Shop in Central on Friday 14 December, Thursday 17
January and Friday 25 January. This fascinating
series of workshops has been designed to coincide
with three very powerful seed dates for change in
the years ahead, leading up to and beyond 2012. I
highly recommend these seminars!
three-part, astrologically based series of workshops
for the discerning, conscious observer, looking at
how the world is created and your part in that
process. We will look particularly at the dramatic
changes promised in the years ahead leading up to
and beyond 2012. Vital seed dates for these changes
include 12 December this year and 26 January 2008.
Workshops can be
taken as standalone sessions or as a group of three.
For more information see the attached jpg, or
contact me on
For bookings, please
contact the New Age Shop directly -- call
2810 8694 or email
With every good wish for the festive
season and blessings for the new year ahead.
The first Christmas emails are
starting to come in these days and the one above has just arrived in my
overstuffed mailbox.
Even the Christmas emails from fellow Lammaites look more inventive, creative
and interesting than the ones I got before when living on HK Island...
I'm not endorsing or promoting the workshops above in any way, but they're
a fascinating example of the amazing diversity of faiths and beliefs on
Lamma. They range from traditional Roman-Catholics, reborn Christians,
Taoists, modern Hindus, faithful Muslims to Wiccans, Shamans,
Crypto-Buddhists, Yogi followers, New Age mystics and believers in Gaia
and/or a universal consciousness; plus quite a lot of Lammaites who love to
mix and match their belief systems to suit their own varying occasions,
experiences and social circles, kind of a spiritual buffet. Surprisingly, we
Lammaites seem to live together in peace and harmony (most of the time) and
are usually very tolerant, even accepting of each other's beliefs.
If you want to learn more about "The Acceleration of
Opportunity", "The Awakening of the Dream Weavers", "Shamanic Vision Quests"
and what it means for YOU personally that the 26,000-year Mayan Calendar
will END in 2012, click here for the
"New Dawn for Civilization" leaflet.
I'm sorry, I might be weird, but I love reading stuff like
this occasionally, but only in small and amusing doses. But these kinds of
workshops seem to help some people in their "personal spiritual journey",
fine with me, more power to them!
But now go forward, my children, be Agents of ConsciousnessTM,
help to bring about a New Dawn for CivilizationTM and a New World
for all of us! That should keep you busy for the rest of today, so tomorrow you can
take on even bigger challenges, like saving the Universe or even reunifying the MultiverseTM!
I'm wishing all the Lamma-zine readers a Happy
Christmas/Kwanza/Hanukkah or whatever you and your family are
celebrating this month. Or let's simply call it Happy Holidays for
all of us cynic, faithless, atheistic or agnostic heathens who are trying to
make the best and most of our single, limited and challenging life as it could well
be all we'll ever get, maybe, perhaps, mayhaps...

Elizabeth Briel –
Cyan Studio: |
Dear Artists &
December's moving in,
Christmas is coming fast, and it's time again for the
Second Sunday party at The Cyan Studio. This month we're
pleased to feature affordable art prints & photos from a
diverse selection of artists from Lamma's creative
community - just in time to send home a personalized
gift from HK in your Christmas packages.
Stop by this
Sunday afternoon from 2-6pm for spicy mulled wine
and savory art. Meet the artists in the informal setting
of this community gallery, and browse through their art
that offers new views of Hong Kong and beyond.
10% of purchases will go
to help a Cambodian friend who lives near Angkor Wat get
closer to his dream of going to university. Navuth Ou is
a fantastically friendly driver in Siem Reap, and is
always happy to show visitors his favorite spots in
town. Just email me for his contact information.
Above is the invitation.
Looking forward to seeing you there!

Jane Ram –
Gardening Forum Moderator:
Click here to learn more (PDF file, 1MB);
forum and
Butterflies & Moths of Hong Kong –
Portraits with Flowers
$250, from many local bookshops and
direct from Paul.
In good time
for Christmas and the height of the local butterfly season, Paul
Lau Kwok-leung's new book deserves a place on every shopping
the local butterfly season approaches its seasonal peak, I
resolve once again to learn the names of some of our most common
local species. They are truly gorgeous as they swoop past,
showing off their freshly-minted colours. And I would like to
know what they eat so that I can protect the most vulnerable
The problem is
that butterflies are restless and they never seem to pause long
enough for me to get out a book and check their identity! The
books that I already have are not exactly user friendly and by
the time I think I might have the right picture, the butterfly
has already flitted away to entertain someone else.
Now, however,
I have the ideal introduction to butterflies and their world.
The pictures in Paul's new book are so lifelike that it is very
easy to match up picture and the real thing. And, even better,
he groups the creatures according to their food plant, which
also speeds up the identification process.
When you
realise how many butterflies adore it, you might think twice
(well only twice) about trying to exterminate the dreaded
Mikania miantha (Mile-a-minute strangling weed). What did they
do before this pest arrived in Hong Kong, I wonder? If only the
caterpillars would eat their way through more of the stuff we
would all be happier.
But I digress.
This is a truly beautiful book, produced by a perfectionist in
collaboration with one of Hong Kong's very few printers able to
do high definition work. It is also environmentally friendly,
but let's not get too bogged down in the details.
Despite its
good looks, this is definitely not a coffee table book (unless
you have really downsized) but it is a working book that you can
easily carry along for reference on a walk. A long-time Sok Kwu
Wan resident, Paul is a dedicated naturalist as well as a superb
professional photographer. He says his next book will
concentrate on the different stages in the lifestyle of
different butterfly species. Don't squash too many caterpillars
in the meantime, you might regret it once you realise their
It is also available from:
Artlab, G/F. no 56 Main Street, Yung Shue Wan, 2982 2120.
Herboland, Lot 287 dd4, Hung Shing Ye
Beach, 9414 2866, 9094 6206.
Dymocks, Prince's Building, Shop 115-116,
Prince's Building,
10 Chater Road, Central, Hong Kong, 2826 9248.
Dymocks, Lyndhurst Terrace, Shop A, G/F
Oriental Crystal Commercial Building, 46 Lyndhurst Terrace,
Central, Hong Kong, 2851 8030.
Palace Cafe Shop, Shops 1058-1059, Level
One, IFC Mall, 8 Finance Street, Central, Hong Kong, Tel: 2167
St. John's Cathedral Bookstore, 4-8
Garden Road, Hong Kong, 2868 2848.
Hong Kong Bird Watching Society, Room
1612, Beverley Commercial Centre, 87-105 Chatham Road, Kowloon,
2377 4387, 2185 7687.
The book is also getting into other book shops
and outlets soon.
An article about Paul and his butterfly book
will probably be on Hong Kong Faces SCMP yesterday,
Thursday, or the next. And he'll be on RTHK Radio 3, Hong
Kong Heritage coming Saturday, talking about Jiao festivals in
the field. (07:45 - 08:00; repeated on Sunday 18:15 - 18:30).

Nick the Bookman –
Court Music Reviewer: |
Red Star Rising @ The Cavern,
Nov 29, 2007
"Woke up this morning, my
dog was dead..."
It's the 27th of November and
Oscar (the wild one) has taken The Big Sleep. (Thanks for
your help, Hans). He was poisoned, quite possibly Paraquat.
You know, that same shit the U.S. feds/narcs used to spray
on the Mexican marijuana fields back in the sleazy 70's? Bad
enough to get tainted weed. Even worse to have a Disco
soundtrack to "soothe" the suffering! The problem with
Paraquat (as I understand it) is that it takes several days
to manifest itself, which is way too late to do anything
positive about a cure. Anyway, he's pain-free and exercising
in Elysium. Now, the trick is to get Double to answer to
Single! But I digress (as does Life). Let's start again.
"Woke up this morning, my dog
was dead..." I'm still feeling blue about Oscar, which
should set me up for tonight's Very Important Gig with Red
Star Rising at The Cavern. The band are planning to record
the event for a live CD and a few surprises have been
promised, so as The Ramones used to sing "Hey, ho, let's
I think I've stumbled into a
twisted version of Edgar Allan Poe's "Purloined Letter".
I've asked several people where The Cavern is and basically,
it's at the top of the 'Fong "near Al's Diner". So,
naturally, I walk the long way round and past it twice
before seeing Shayle gripping and grinning outside the
entrance. It's like that episode with UK magician Derren
Brown convincing a London cabbie he couldn't find that huge
wheel near the Millennium Dome. Shayle says, "the bar is
open, so get inside".
There aren't many people
inside The Cavern - mostly an assortment of businessmen on a
bender. The bar is free ("I'll have 2 bourbon and cokes")
and I find a nice spot upfront to write all this gibberish.
It's a cool venue with a long curved stage. The drums are on
a platform mid-centre stage. Keyboards to the left and
various amps etc strewn about. There are 2 pulsating plasma
screens featuring the greatest visual hits of vintage Liquid
Len lightshows. Looks way better than its celebrated Mersey
predecessor which was normally a sweatbox covered in
tasteful displays of fungus and mould.
Time for a big plug for Rob
Porter and the rest of the Yellow Frog crew. Rob is videoing
the event and the Y.F. are in charge of the concert
recording. His camera is omnipresent all evening. Shayle has
dragged some other people on stage. There's an attractive
blonde in a very mini-black cocktail dress and a large Serth
Efrican rugby fan who doesn't gloat too much about the
recent RWC Final. I;ve also spotted Lamma heads, Ellie and
Faith, Rick and Luisa, most of Shayle's extended family and
beardy Brian, who's Dora's dad and a celebrated Man Utd fan.
Steve Cray, the RSR mainman,
says there won't be an acoustic opening set tonight as there
are time constraints. Pity. I was looking forward to hearing
Davey Wan Cur weaving his melodic magic on fiddle. Perhaps
another time. It's also the swansong for Hugh on drums. He,
and Zoe who is here tonight, are Blighty-bound before the
year's end. Steve has a new drummer waiting in the wings and
the advance buzz was that there would be a ritual playoff
and the Swapping Of The Sticks. We'll see if that happens.
The good news is that John Palmer will guest the entire show
and he's told me he's got a few little tricks up his guitar
neck ready to bamboozle Steve. So, tonight's line up
consists of Steve on guitars/leadvox. Alex on mighty rumble
bass. Hugh on the thunder drums and John on extra rhythm
guitar. The show should last about 90 minutes.
Shayle has finished
introducing "the best blues-rock band in HK and possible
East Asia" and Red Star Rising kick off with a spirited
version of "Megaphone Man". Sounds like vintage ZZ Top,
circa Rio Grande Mud-era and is way better than the version
they stumbled through at Lamma's Fun Day. It segues nicely
into a mid-tempo "Finishing Line", although Steve's vocals
seem a bit restrained. The first hint of trouble comes in
"When Worlds Collide" when what I think is a theremin buzz
adding nicely to the vibe turns out to be unwanted and
accidental feedback. The band turn everything off and the
irritating drone is history.
The 4th song is "Footsteps,
our first single" and elicits hearty approval from Shayle
who is on fine form, bobbing around the dance floor and
organising non-stop drinks from the bar. I notice that the
other "Corporate Rock Whores" have all buggered off. They're
probably engaging in an untrammeled orgy of fetishistic name
card swapping outside. Or not. Anyway, it's their loss.
Shayle and I discuss the finer points of the next song which
is "Red Claw". It's a new number with a melody line quite
similar to Steppenwolf's cover of Hoyt Axton's "The Pusher".
The bourbon and cokes are telling me there's some Hendrix
"Watchtower" in there as well and who am I to argue with
such pedigree?
John shines with some
exemplary and dainty picking during "The Man from Ma On
Shan" and Shayle bounds on stage to introduce Maha as
a guest percussionist for the later stages of the set. He
adds a scintillating Latino/Afro world beat touch of class
to the proceedings and opens up new possibilities of
interpretation to the tunes. Not quite Santana - more like
Osibisa perhaps?
The time is running out and
Shayle asks for 2 requests. They're "Escalator Girls" and
"Shopping Malls" which are my personal Red Star Rising
favourites and the tunes that give the band a chance to go
all Grateful Dead if they so desire. Hugh and Alex indulge
in a very enjoyable call-n-response drum/bass battle during
"Girls" while jaws hit the floor in disbelief. Steve tells
me they "won't do the 20-minute version" of "Malls" (as I
requested after Lamma Fun Day) but the backwards guitar solo
will be attempted. It is. Steve is playing with one hand
while the other awaits his drink which I pass up to him
mid-solo. John has gone all Electric Prunes-meets-Ravi
Shankar raga mad on second guitar and Maha is whacking his
djembe like he means it. It's a lysergic litany and my
personal highlight of the night. I think Steve actually
played a better solo some months ago at The Wanch, but this
collaberative effort is peerless. Bravo and triple Kool-Aids
all round!
The final tune is where Steve
brings "it all down now" with a mellow rendition of "Last
Ferry to Lamma" (as a hint to the audience to get ready).
There's a brief reprise of "Megaphone Man" which is Hugh's
last song in Hong Kong, "although we'll be playing with him
in Camden Town, London, next year" This is the time that the
audience decides to start dancing. So Hugh gets to play
"Footsteps" again as his last last song in Hong Kong. The
new stickmeister will be Drummer Neil, but he was unable to
get here tonight so no ceremonial handoff took place.
I'd say this show didn't
quite scrape the stratosphere - more the lower troposphere -
but there was enough worthy moments to ensure that the CD
will be worth listening to. On the plus side, I know now
where The Cavern is (Oops, the bourbon and cokes are working
after all!) Keep that Red Star Rising.


Email from Bob Davis: "Here are some snaps of Sunny &
Deborah's wedding party at the Banyan Bay Café:"


Just another birthday today and a friend has just wished me "good birthday...
old man!"
Yes, sometime I feel a bit like a fat, old, ugly bastard...
But then I look into the mirror and recognise that...
...it's all true!!! Aieeeeyaaaaaah!
But then I had two of my very young three step-grandsons come
up to me individually during the big family birthday dinner with all my HK
family on Sat night and tell me, in clear English: "Grandfather, Happy
Birthday!" That was my very best birthday present! For the 2nd-best, see
the P.S. below.

Well, it's actually not so bad being a fat, old, ugly and
HAPPY bastard... as long as there's a loving wife, great family, a few
good friends and many nice acquaintances out here on Lamma. But then, in a
place where even one of my acquaintances referred to me as "the other fat
bastard", age, looks and weight don't matter as much as in town, except
if you'd be looking for a date...
Being a fat, old, ugly and LONELY bastard, now that
would be really bad! ;-)
P.S. Email to Chuckm: He's a loyal,
long-time Lamma forum member residing in Vancouver. He took up my challenge on Nov 19
to become a private sponsor of
this website. To my big surprise and utter amazement, he paid up for FIVE
YEARS, even though he's NEVER visited Lamma yet! Many thanks, Chuckm!!!
From my email to him:
"...Waiting for my 2nd-best birthday present today I've received in a
long time: your bank transfer! Great timing, especially as you didn't know
that it's my birthday today! ;-)
"There'll be a mention on the home page of your most generous gift,
exactly as much as all the other sponsors together [Editor: MANY SINCERE
THANKS, 1-year sponsors, all of them fellow Lammaites! They all
preferred to remain anonymous.]
"Yes, I'm definitely owing you a beer (or two, or three)!
You'll be treated like royalty if you'll ever come to Lamma, Sir Chuckm!"
Chuckm also issued
A Challenge to Support Lamma-zine and This Forum! But, almost as I
expected, nobody has taken up his challenge yet!
Check it out! Prove my low expectations wrong!

More pictures in progress...

"Look, I'm a
beauuuuutiful butterfly!"
Students from Northern Lamma School participate
in a short drama featuring the open day at Lamma Power Station cum eco-tour
on the island.
A group picture of the officiating guests and
the performing students.
HK Electric – media release, 29 Nov 2007:
(All photos and captions by HK Electric, text highlights by
L-G): |
Sustainable Lifestyle for a Better Future
HK Electric calls for concerned efforts from the local community to
achieve a better and sustainable future by adopting a more comprehensive
green lifestyle.
While continuing with energy-saving efforts, the Smart
Power Campaign launched today encourages the public to take a greener
view in major aspects of life, such as clothing, food, accommodation and
Between now and August 2008, a series of fun-packed
activities, with simple tips on sustainable practices promoting the benefits
of going green, will be organised for students and the public. Highlights
include roadshows at MTR stations, healthy cooking competition, open days at
Lamma Power Station and interactive radio programmes.
Application for the "Go Green Fashion Design Competition"
will be open from December for innovative designs that promote
sustainability and energy conservation. Renowned fashion designer, Mr.
William Tang, and the Chief Executive of the Conservancy Association, Ms.
Lister Cheung, will form the adjudication panel with representatives from HK
Executive and Legislative Council Member, Mr. Bernard Chan,
who officiated at today's Smart Power Campaign launch ceremony, fully
supports efforts to raise public awareness on sustainability. Mr. Chan said
sustainable development means development that meets the needs of the
present without compromising the wellbeing of future generations.
He pointed out the success of Hong Kong as a metropolitan
city should not be made at the expense of the environment. He was pleased to
note the younger generation cared for the environment and urged them to
contribute to promoting sustainable development... |
Mr. William Tang shares his ideas on "go
green" fashion design. - Students taste-test various natural fruit juices to
gain more understanding of green living.
Read last month's stories...