Quite few Lammaites were on
Christmas/New Year vacations in the areas affected by the killer
tsunami. Most seem to be OK, fortunately. But the most
horrifying account came from Ran & Delian, who were in surfing class
on the Sri Lanka coast when the waves hit. They both almost
drowned, Ran being swept out to sea for two kilometres.
Ran & Delian moved from Hung
Shing Yeh to Tung Chung a few months back. I've written about Ran
(kickboxing pupil of Alain; 350 Rans photos) several times in the
Lamma-zine this year. You can read Delian's account of the
events in their blog. Scroll down to Dec 23, click on
"Comments", scroll down to a very
long, dense, heart-wrenching message
with the heading
"Dear all,":
Rans … Live from Sri Lanka.
For more news & updates on
other Lammaites in the affected areas, click TALKBACK! If you know
of any other stories, let us all know.
The colours come from the green of the Island
and the yellow from the stumps (beige was considered too wishy-washy)."
This website
has also been added to my constantly updated and growing
Lamma-zine Links page. Is
YOUR website listed on there yet?
Email me!
covered the Lamma CC's games, victories, adventures & exploits many
times in the Lamma-zine and in this
blog, I warmly welcome their overdue arrival on the internet.
I'll continue to promote them, of course, like other sports played on
Lamma or by Lammaites around the world.
We've got
great sportsmen of all ages & many nationalities living on our fair
isle, let's highlight their activities and celebrate their successes!
Wed, Dec 29:
Tsunami Fund-Raising at City Hall

Walking by
our "City Hall" (opposite HSBC, besides Policebox), Lammadonna &
friends are doing "Fund-raising for Earthquake Victims in South
Asia": tonight till 10:15pm and tomorrow, Thu, Dec 30, 7-10am. So
you could donate on your way to work tomorrow morning!
Our City
Hall is a most appropriate spot for this fund-raising activity. Just
imagine what would happen to it & most of YSW, if we'd ever suffer a
Tsunami like the one devastating so much of South Asia! Lamma-Por and I
donated all the money in our pockets. Many generous Lammaites are
helping to fill up the donations box!
Wed, Dec 29:
Forums Are Up & Running Again!
FINALLY!!! Two days of pretty frustrating, lonely
technical fiddling, reading numerous tech manuals and great
tech support
forums (see left), moving hundreds of files, I managed to update
the forum software, restore the backup and re-install most forum
modifications on our Unix-based server!
We've been
lucky so far, as this was our first computer worm (Santy)
attack for the 2.5 years of our forum's life so far. More
details: click the TALKBACK button below.
All this
tricky technical stuff reminded me why I've left hard-core
IT & Telecom several years ago, focusing on
something that's a lot more fun, e.g. web publishing and website
Check out
our revived
forums, which have been down
since Christmas Eve!
Mon, Dec 27:
Christmas Tree Huggers - The Next Generation
So, what's Lamma-Gung been up to over Christmas, besides
stuffing himself with an amazing Christmas Day turkey lunch on a
friend's rooftop and a humongous Boxing Day "Sunday lamb roast" in
Diesel's? The forums are still down (Arrrgh!) and I really wanted to
avoid actually doing anything "work-related".
So I went
through another little burst of creativity, continuing the "Christmas
Tree Huggers" series of computer graphics.
I had
finished the first four graphics on
Dec 24, sending them to the 1,700+ Lamma-zine subscribers as my
Christmas card, together with a little update on what's new in this Blog
in Dec.
I couldn't
resist continuing the series, generating "children" from one of the four
original graphics (above right), processing that single image to
generate all these new graphics below. Click to enlarge. Fee free to use
as wallpaper (800*600 pixels) to frighten and shoo away your family or

Sun, Dec 26:
Rooftop Lunch on Christmas Day

What could be better than spending Christmas Day with
friends on a Lamma rooftop: a log fire, huge turkey w/all
trimmings, wine, yummy desserts.
Many thanks, friends!

Sat, Dec 25:
Santy has been very naughty!
got a lump of coal for Christmas from Santy, together with many
thousands of other internet forums around the world. The fast-spreading
"Santy" worm infected our forum and caused it to attack servers
of our webhosting company. The company shut down the forums, this
blog and the entire website as a precaution!
This worm
DOES NOT & CANNOT infect computers of website
visitors! So there's NO PROBLEM on YOUR side and
absolutely no need to be concerned in any way!
Here are
some good links for more info on
Santy (thanks to Alan), how it works
and how it spread
so rapidly. An explanation from our webhosting co.
Stephen Satchell, Abuse Investigations, American Internet, Inc.: |
I shut down your site at 5:20
AM (Dec 24, US time) this morning when your forum software
was used to launch a denial of service attack against our server.
It took me over an hour to locate the entry point for a shell worm
that was being injected into the Mustang server.
needed to shut down the site so the evidence can be examined more
closely during the day, and also preserve the evidence for further
need to discuss how to close the loophole that allowed outsiders to
launch shell commands from HTML requests. When the vulnerability
has been identified and fixed, I can re-open your site. |
With Stephen's fantastic
help, working throughout much of Christmas Day, we could reopen the site
and not a single page or message has been lost. This blog and all
Lamma-zine and portal pages are fine and open again.
But the forums will have
to remain down for the holidays, till we've upgraded the forum
software (phpBB) to the newest release, which will protect the forum
from this particular worm, till the next hacking attack...
Fri, Dec 24:
Season's Greetings from the Christmas Tree Huggers!

I was taking a few digital pictures of an outdoor Lamma
Christmas tree's colourful light bulbs, while moving my camera
around slowly during exposure. I got the very streaky photo on the left.
After a few
happy hours experimenting/tinkering in Photoshop the four cyber critters
above emerged. Click to enlarge!
Christmas Tree Huggers, they've been born from the light of a
Christmas tree and exist only as pixels in Cyberspace. The Lamma-zine
Blog is their new home, where they are today's stars and my Christmas
Dec 24: Organic Gingerbread Man & Japanese
Violin Prodigy
Christmas is getting so close that it becomes unavoidable to feature it
in this Blog, but with a Lamma twist, of course. Which local place
manages to unite the largest Caffe Latte in the village, organic
gingerbread men, a Japanese violin child
prodigy and some YSWankers in the same place?
guessed wrong, it's the Green Cottage! The prodigy and the
YSWankers are giving a Christmas concert tonight at 6pm! So
unusually early, but the child prodigy needs her beauty sleep. Stop by
on your way home from the ferry. Maybe they'll even have another
delicious gingerbread man left...
Then, you
can continue on to the nearby Island Bar, for "Kids Carols at 7ish"
and Adults Carols from 10:30pm,
"Featuring the Traditional Old Soaks Songs You Know and
Love." The later the night, the more "festive" the Carols
will probably sound...
Thu, Dec 23:
Treasure Hunters Raised $13,851!
Message from Al, one of
the Treasure Hunt organisers:
"We raised $13,851 for Operation Santa Claus.
Not too bad! Please send my thanks to all the shops, bars and
businesses who donated prizes!"
The Q & A
of the Hunt has unfortunately not been made available yet for
publication on this website by co-organiser Clive who wrote most of
If you'd
like this quite fascinating, informative Q & A, please ask him in
person. Many thanks to all the organisers for all their work!
By the way,
photo gallery of the Hunt has been online since Monday. In case
you missed it, click on Al's triumphant grin above to view it!
Thu, Dec 23:
Seasons Greetings... from Dogs?
This is the only really Lamma-related Seasons Greetings
e-card I've received so far amongst all the usual junk e-cards from
companies and suppliers with links to their latest products.
Greetings from Sheila and all the dogs? Shouldn't there be something a
bit more... more... Christmassy in the photo? Like adding a bit of snow
to the North Lamma hillside? Or wrapping some jingle bells around their
neck? Or putting fake soft reindeer horns on the dogs? Or adding a
sleigh to slide down from the hill in style? And where's Santa anyway?
Well, never mind, it's the thought that counts!
Thanks for
the e-card, Sheila of LAP, today's Lammaite of
the Day! She's being honoured for recovering from the
"irreconcilable differences" split-up of LAP a while ago. Their motto is
"Fostering Harmony and Respect for Life". Sheila's been soldiering on
with her LAP charity,
while most of the other members left to set up the new, very active
animal charity LAWC
(see shop opening). Only
on Lamma...
Thu, Dec 23:
GOOD news, BAD news & the BURNING BUSH!
The Best Message of the
Day in the Lamma.com.hk forums was
posted by our new photo moderator
Anonymous Guy, who'd like to remain anonymous (unsuccessfully,
obviously). Welcome to this exclusive club!
Question: Which
Lammaite is receiving the baton in this recent photo?
Anonymous Guy - new moderator of Pictures &
Movies forum: |
Well the GOOD NEWS is the
baton has finally been passed.
Despite an overwhelming show of support in the poll
(thank you Fortune Chan - your vote counted), I have only now been (un)named
moderator of the "Pictures & Movies" Forum.
I can only assume my poor showing in "Twat of the Year &
Moderator for Fight Club", there may have been some lingering
doubts as to my suitability for the role.
However, after promises of home-made mince pies to
L-B for Xmas, the transition is complete and I have officially
joined the ranks of the much reviled. (And about time too)
However, because of the abuse I will undoubtedly
receive I have requested anonymity.
The AIM of the forum will be:
1) to show PHOTOS that are Lamma related;
This is not just about slapping a few pictures on a forum wall,
otherwise we might get some idiot posting photos all the time &
taking trollism to a deeper level. The idea will be to not only
offer critique but to give a greater understanding of the lengths
that people go to to get that photo, also the equipment & method of
obtaining that image (F-Levels, DOF, Aperature, Sensitivity,
G-Strings, Flashlights, Lenses, etc, etc). There are plenty of
renowned, accomplished, and professional photographers on Lamma, but
we never get anything from them, so we'll have to go it alone & do
as best we can.
But then again, any old pictures will be welcome (Lamma relative).
2) to highlight MOVIES written, produced and
directed by Lamma residents and/ or their Mums, or at least had a
walk on part. Up for first review & possible showing at a bar near
you (if they'll allow it), will be movies from the effervescent Mr.
Bruce Baron...., if I can get any copies from him. Also, anybody
that's had an affair with a movie star, or a relative of theirs, &
were they any good. Reviews, recommendations of any movie will also
be welcome.
The BAD NEWS.............
I bought my first camera 4 months ago & I haven't
been to the movies for about 5 years.
And then there's the BURNING BUSH and the
immortal words of Moses - "Okay, whose dumb idea was this?" |
Wed, Dec 22: Typhoon Shelter Pavilion
When the ferry from Central or Aberdeen enters
Yung Shue Wan harbour, what's the new landmark that every tourist will
notice? Yes, the just completed new pavilion in front of the typhoon
The access
is still blocked off (opening ceremony pending), but I sneaked in
anyway. A historic photo gallery of the construction is... under
Dec 21: Adopt Me, Pleeeease!
Can you look
into the beautiful yellow eyes of this healthy but homeless small kitten
and not be moved to rush to the newly opened LAWC Centre on Back Street
(ex-Scorpio Biz Centre) to adopt her right away?
(click to enlarge)
There are kittens in various colours & patterns, aged
from a few weeks to 5 months, up for adoption or fostering now.
Photo gallery
of the new LAWC Centre opening last weekend, Dec 19, 2004
(click to view).
Dr John Wedderburn has also moved his doctor's
practice for human animals into the adjoining premises. If you're
tired of the Lamma Clinic's pill-popping or tired of the long
voyage to QMH for a simple test, try his friendly & convenient private
practice and get professional advice to recover from your tiredness...
you can have a look at those cutesy kitties in the same building. Taking
care of one of these very active felines could make you very tired
again. So you'll have to return for more advice to recover from your
never-ending cycle... and a really tired joke...

Tue, Dec 21:
Mademoiselle Hapifiou's Adventures on Lamma

I've just
been contacted by another Lamma blog, by Mademoiselle Hapifiou, a new
arrival on Lamma! It's in French, but simple enough to follow if you've
had to suffer through French classes in school. The subtitle of her blog
- run & hosted by the highly recommended Blogger - translates as "Simply
the life, impressions, ideas & questions of a French woman who left to
live in Hong Kong to take a new chance in her life!"
at her blog recently, she's already made it over to Hung Shing Yeh beach
(see her photo, right) and has mentioned the Lamma-zine Blog in her own
"J'ai decouvert qu'il existait un site internet et
un blog sur Lamma www.lamma.com.hk cree et mis a jour par Lamma-Gung que je n'ai pas
encore eu le plaisir de rencontrer meme si ca ne saurait tarder!
Lamma-Gung est le reporter photographe chroniqueur de l'ile. Il
rencontre les gens, leur parle, les fait parler et parle d'eux!
Attention alors a ce que l'on dit.... ;-) "
Summarised translation:
discovered a website and blog about Lamma, created & updated daily by
Lamma-Gung who I haven't met yet but hopefully soon! Lamma-Gung is the
reporter, photographer, chronicler of the island. He meets people, talks
to them, makes them talk and talks about them! Be careful what you tell
All very
true, ma chère mademoiselle Hapifiou, and you're next to be
But I'm
generally much more interested in "positive news" than any negative
rumours & gossip which I try hard to avoid writing about.
If you can
read French, check out her frequently updated fun blog with pictures!
Hapifiou's reaction when seeing this Blog entry:
Mon, Dec 20:
The Self-Styled Online Voice of Yung Shue Wan?
The Best Message of the Day in
the Lamma.com.hk forums was posted by Mr "Fortune Chan", teasing Lamma
and me in several ways. I loved it and would like to share it with you:
Chan ("Official Court Poet of Lamma.com.hk") wrote: |
I found this on the French Press Agency AFP, but I
don't believe half of it. And anyway, what do the French know about
LAMMA ISLAND, Hong Kong (AFP) – Violence broke out in Yung
Shue Wan on Wednesday night after an unidentified man ate the entire
stock of freshly-made lamb and mint pies from the village bakery.
A series of vicious incidents quickly spread along
the village’s main street as youths, who had spent the afternoon and
early evening consuming happy hour priced beer, became angry when
they realised they would not be tasting tender chunks of juicy lamb
encased in a delicate pie crust for at least two days.
Baker, Tom Current McBun, was shocked at the
events. “I cannee believe it” said the Scotsman, as he drank
a pint of medicinal rum and ice. “This big fella came in the shop
at around six, waving round a digital camera. He said he had come
for the pies. He sounded like big Arnie outta Terminator. ‘Hand them
over or I write bad thing’ he kept saying. I knew there would be
trouble when the lads had nee pies to eat. The whole experience has
been horrible and I’ve had to have a couple of extra large ones just
to steady my kneading hand.”
Businesses in this normally docile inter-racial
community quickly closed their doors as the hungry mob smashed eggs
and threw rice and other non-perishable food items onto Lamma’s
normally spotless streets. One elderly resident’s dog was hit with a
dried salted fish and in another seemingly related incident; someone
picked up a medium-sized mango from Ivy’s shop and threw it onto the
pavement, causing thousands of dollars damage (to the mango).
“We must warn the foreign community to be
careful,” said Sergeant Zephaniah Wong Fuk-mee of the
Hong Kong Police’s Outer Island Tea and Sticky Buns Division.
“When pieless youths have been drinking and start throwing eggs and
dried fish we advise the foreign people to go away.”
A witness to the disorder was Count Nicoli Lovatt,
long-time village resident and well-known purveyor of antique books.
“Altamont. Pigs. Vegan. Free Lamma, squashed mango” said a
distressed Lovatt.
Another longtime resident, entrepreneur Bob
Cratchit, drinking in the Y2K Bar and Grill spoke for many of
the island’s foreign community when he said: “F*** off you f***ing
c*** and give me some Charlie.”
Community workers, local politicians and Lamma’s
fast-reaction paramedic unit worked tirelessly through the night to
clear the devastation away from the village streets in time for the
morning rush hour.
“We work only to serve the community that elected
us” said Fung Bung-dosh, head of the Yung Shue Wan
Self-Serving committee. “The events of the last few days have
been shocking but we must learn from incidents like this. Indeed, we
can show the world what words like 'community', 'care' and
'concrete' mean on Lamma. We have set up an emergency kitchen on the
football pitch to make an extra 10,000 lamb pies a day and we will
be distributing them to the bars and pubs throughout the Christmas
Late last night, "Lamma-Gung", the self-styled
online voice of Yung Shue Wan, was unavailable for comment.
message has made me really hungry to try one of these lamb and mint pies
in the Village Bakery! Never had one so far! Fortune Chan's promotional
writings really work!
Sun, Dec 19:
Successful Treasure Hunters

from my new 2nd-hand Nikon Coolpix 5400 digicam, the latest photos from
the hugely successful Treasure Hunt
today, starting/ending in the Island Bar.
17 teams entered and all got
prizes. A considerable amount of cash has been raised for Operation
Santa Claus, a lot more than in previous years!
Plus, Harry Harrison was
signing his recently published books "The Dirty Story" and
"Harry's View".
He dedicated my copy to me, "who gets more
abuse than Tung Chee Hwa. Well done!", referring to some
Fight Club controversies, where I recently resigned as moderator.
The Treasure Hunt winners
will get cartoons by Harry!
Click photos to enlarge.
Photo gallery is
ready as well!
Q & A of the Treasure Hunt will be posted here ASAP.

Sun, Dec 19:
Another Busy Lamma Sunday
As an amateur Roving Reporter
all over Lamma, weekends are my busiest time of the week. So many events
to cover with photos shoots and interviews!
I have to be selective about
what would be most interesting for the Lamma-zine Blog readers. 5 major
event choices today, Lammaites are often spoilt for choice where to go
on weekends! Click for details!
Treasure Hunt
for Operation Santa Claus
Book signing by
Harry Harrison (cartoonist)
LAWC Shop Opening
Sunday Roasts in
Diesel's, Bookworm and the
Lamma Bistro.
Carols under
the Moonlight (Life restaurant, Bookworm offspring in Soho,
Sat, Dec 18:
Exhibition Opening Photo Shoot
The opening reception for
exhibition (see Dec 16)
attracted a fascinating, mixed crowd of people, including a number of
Can you spot most of them?
Click here for my
Photo Gallery of the Opening Reception in the Fringe Club!
If you need somebody to take
pictures at your party or big event, for a very modest fee,
contact me! If they can be published in the Lamma-zine, then the
shoot will be free!
Fri, Dec 17:
Malicious Wounding Incident
Translated from Chinese by
the Lamma-zine's "Official Court Translator" (many thanks to
Samson the Mighty Tai Peng-uin). © 2004 Ming Pao.
Pao News, Thu Dec 16, wrote: |
A Lamma man was fighting for his life after
being attacked in a malicious wounding incident at Yung Shue Wan on
Wednesday night. The man was apparently stabbed on his back with a
screwdriver during the incident, and he was still receiving
treatment at Queen Mary Hospital on Thursday morning.
The 27 year-old victim, surnamed Ko, received
a severe wound on his back, a nosebleed probably caused by being
punched as well as several wounds on his abdomen area and arms.
The incident happened at 9pm last night.
According to witnesses’ accounts, Ko approached a Filipino male,
who was using the ATM, at Yung Shue Wan Main Street, and a heated
argument broke out between the two. The Filipino male was later
seen fleeing the scene after throwing what is believed to be a
screwdriver into the sea. Ko was found lying on the ground and
bleeding seriously at the same time. He lost consciousness when he
was sent to the North Lamma Clinic for emergency treatment, and was
later transferred by helicopter to Hong Kong Island for further
The Police are looking for a fleshy Filipino
man, about 5’5”, who is believed to be involved in the incident.
Ko was still receiving treatment at Queen
Mary Hospital on Thursday morning. |
Thu, Dec 16: 'from separation to
The Lamma-zine Artist of
the Month for December is opening her exhibition in the Fringe
Club tonight. I've designed the poster (on the left), photographed
the paintings, built the website for the exhibition, done e-marketing
and will shoot the opening reception tonight. Yes, my company
Compunicate! provides a wide range of design, photography,
website & publishing services!
If you're interested in
paintings, come tonight to the Fringe Club in Central and meet
the artist, Deirdre Butler, who lives in Luk Chau. She's
also organising the great Healing Art Workshops, featured
recently in the Lamma-zine. Her highly recommended exhibition continues
'til Dec 30. Check out my little exhibition website:
Wed, Dec 15: C U N L Years?
Hand-written thank-you note
from Nick to everybody who attended his Big 5-0 birthday party
on Dec 11:
the Bookman wrote: |
Well, it was one "L" of a
party last night. Big thanx to everyone who came. Special mentions
to Prafull + The Gang at the Deli Lamma for being such wonderful
hosts (What really happened with the cake?)
(Editor's note: Allegedly, it
ended up in Prafull's face?).
Thanks to Parksy and Phil for
the equipment and setting it all up. The joint was jumping (and
people were dancing, too). A flip of the disc to Sam, Noi, Pat (?)
and Phil for coming and playing. Good mix of tunes to keep everyone
Thanks for the donations to
LAWC. May help keep some randy bitches off the street!
C U N L Years?
translation: "See You in 50 Years?"
L is the Roman numeral for 50). |
Any offers for Nick's
original hand-written note, as a donation to LAWC?
Email me!
Tue, Dec 14: The Dog Lady of Luk Chau
Early morning walk from YSW
to Luk Chau, via Hung Shing Yeh and the Youth Hostel, visiting a future
Artist of the Month (this Blog: Dec 16).
I encountered a pack of big
dogs running free, some of them muzzled, but all quite friendly, healthy
& very active, all looking for adoption!
Quite a few steps behind, a
white-haired lady with even more dogs on leashes entangling her all
round: my first-ever in-person encounter with the famous, but quite
reclusive Dog Lady of
Luk Chau.
She's been featured in the
SCMP Post Magazine just a few months ago:
24 Hours with Sally Andersen (click for interview).
so well-protected by so many dogs (only 16 this morning, but it can go
as high as 30), all rescued from
shelters from being destroyed. She's trying to find homes for them via
her charity HK
Dog Rescue (which gets free Lamma-zine advertising, like all
charities/worthy causes).
Sally is a true Laudable
Lamma Luminary and my Lammaite of the Day!
Mon, Dec 13:
Power Outage in Yung Shue Wan
If you live in Yung Shue Wan, you might have experienced
the total power blackout in the evening of Dec 7? It hasn't
happened in several years and having one of HK's main power stations
just on the other side of the Kam Lo Hom hill, we're spoilt by an
always reliable & stable power supply.
Most of us wouldn't be living
here without reliable air cons, fridges, TVs, PCs and other mod cons.
YSW only got connected to the power grid when the HK Electric Power
Station was built in the 80s.
Similarly, our reliable,
clean water supply, many new roads, tens of thousands of trees, shops,
restaurants and a lot of the infrastructure we take for granted.
Much of it was mainly set up to support the Power Station, but benefits
everybody living here nowadays.
Some of us might not like a Power Station
(click for info) in our backyard, but without it, YSW today would be a
lot like other rural fishing villages on the Outlying Islands, not
places where expats love to live in:
a quasi-rural idyll like YSW,
but with all the mod cons of city living. We're actually very
lucky to have some of the best of both worlds here.
But looking at my monthly
electricity bill (soon to increase by 6.5 percent, pending govt.
approval!), there's a high price to pay for all these mod cons!
OK, enough opinionated
rambling for now, back to the topic:
So there I was, working on my
Blog article for Dec 7 when - Zap! - it all went black!
I was lucky, only losing about half an
hour's worth of work. Funnily enough, I was actually processing a
beautiful sunset harbour panorama at the time, including the three
landmark smokestacks of the Power Station! See Dec 7 article below.
I was wondering what had
happened and asked HK Electric for a statement to the Lamma-zine.
Their always friendly & helpful Public Affairs Dept. replied quickly:
Esme Lau, Public Affairs Manager (Media & Community) - HK Electric
Holdings, wrote: |
Subject: Power outage in YSW
Some areas in Yung Shu Wan were affected by a power
outage at 8.24 p.m. on 7 December which resulted from an equipment
fault causing the switchgear at HEC's Tin Wan Zone Substation to
Switching operations were immediately carried out
and electricity supply to the affected areas was restored seven
minutes later. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Factoid: The power generated by the Power Station actually
flows to HK Island first (see left, click to enlarge) and then
returns via submarine cables back to Lamma, for several technical
reasons! |
More factoids, insights & my
photos from inside the Power Station to follow soon, as soon as I can
get myself booked on an official "media sightseeing tour", after
my great "private familiarisation visit" in there just a few months ago.
Sun, Dec 12:
Beware of Pet Poisoning!

proper control of your dog(s) with leash and/or muzzle.
Bring along
food and water for your pet when you go out.
your veterinarian if your pet starts to behave abnormally.
Report to
police (2982 0251) if you
suspect that your pet has been poisoned.
Another message brought to you by our
friendly local police force. Click on TALKBACK! to learn more about
recent pet poisoning cases.
Sat, Dec 11: Nick's Big 5-0 Party!
you believe it? Extremely popular local icon, Laudable Lamma
Luminary and mascot of Lamma.com.hk (see left navigation menu)
Nick the Bookman turning 50? Many of his friends have
been turning 50 as well recently (Mr DickStock, for
example). It's like a generation shift on Lamma, local celebrities
officially entering the silver age of life.
Nick is playing DJ at his own
birthday party in the Deli Lamma - tonight after 9pm. Always
surrounded by his lively pack of dogs - most of them strays he's saved -
he's asking people to donate to the LAWC pet charity instead of
buying him drinks & presents!
Expect big crowds in
the Deli tonight!
In the meantime, have a look
at Nick's
website I created & his Rogues' Gallery:

Credits: Title of this Blog entry is courtesy of
Mr President. The photos are from
various photographers in Nick's photo gallery: signature shot in the upper left from
HK Magazine; up-your-beard photo was shot by
Mr DickStock and entered into a
FCC photo competition.
Fri, Dec 10:
11 Years of Deli-cious Lamma Food

Happy 11th Birthday to
the Deli Lamma on Yung Shue Wan Main Street! They're celebrating
tonight and will offer Happy Hour prices & free snacks all day &
Click on the banner above
for my
Deli photo gallery, showing their wine tasting on Feb 28 this
year. Two local friends of mine met at that event for the first time and
now they're engaged! The Deli has always been a great place for meeting
new people, my friends are not the only lucky ones. The bar is
especially popular late at night.

Owner Prafull and his
friendly long-time staff are doing a fine job offering great Indian,
French, Italian, English and American food, in-door or al fresco. Click
the typical dishes above to enlarge. It's a quiet place for a big
breakfast, a reasonably-priced long lunch, a romantic place for sunset
watching and a good spot for a late-night snack.
It's also a popular birthday
party venue, it seems! For example, tomorrow they'll celebrate the
50th birthday charity party of Nick the Bookman, Sat night, Dec
All photos shot by myself (Lamma-Gung),
as usual for ALL non-credited photos.
The Deli Lamma is a long-time
Lamma-zine advertiser, but the above reflects my honest opinions and
is NOT a paid advertorial (even though it sounds like one. ;-)
Thu, Dec 9:
Footloose Yolanda in a Striking & Stunning Stance

Yolanda - today's
Lammaite of the Day - in a striking &
stunning stance during her recent starring & singing show-stopping
performance in the HK Youth Arts
Festival's musical production of "Footloose".
Living on Lamma since the age
of one, Yolanda seems happiest on the stage. According to people who
have enjoyed her spirited performances & admire her numerous talents
(including languages & kickboxing), there could be a stellar career
ahead of her... Let's wish her all the best: Break a leg!
Eight very successful &
popular performances in "English with Cantonese" have been held
in the HK Arts Centre Nov 22-27. "Footloose jumps with spirit,
dazzling dance numbers and an electrifying musical score." Photos
from HKYAF,
click to enlarge:

Wed, Dec 8:
R U X'mas Shopping 4 BBs?

Advertorial: Have you
finished your Christmas shopping already? Leaving it to the last minute
is as common on Lamma Island as anywhere else, but when we finally get
around to it, we Lammaites can be most generous to our loved ones.
Still looking for presents
for your toddlers & babies and would like to get them delivered to
your home on "Fertility Island" well before Christmas Day? Online
shopping is the easy answer! GeoBaby.com (part of
GeoExpat) has
a special Lamma-zine discount for the visitors of Lamma.com.hk. Click
above or at the top of this page and specify "lammazine" at
checkout to receive your special discount. Enjoy!
Tue, Dec 7:
Panorama Lammarama Sunset!

On my birthday, Dec 3, there was the most
amazing sunset I've admired in months. Here's a panoramic 180-degree
photo I stitched together of Yung Shue Wan harbour.
Note the tourists left and
right of me, taking pictures as well.
Click photos to enlarge or
click here: L,
Mon, Dec 6:
The Energetic Photonics Family
While coming back from my
birthday lunch below I took this night view of the Ap Lei Chau
residential towers in Aberdeen, shaking the
camera while shooting in sunset mode with long
exposure time. While fiddling around with a few different Photoshop
filters, a few members of the Photonics visualised themselves, a family
of pure energy beings emerging from their Cyberspace habitat. New
mascots for Hongkong Electric, maybe?
Ap Lei Chau towers in Aberdeen
Shaking the camera!
Photoshop's add-on KPT RadWarp flter
Photonix Jr.
Uncle Fraterpillarius
Unborn twins, boy & girl
Uncle Bob
Auntie Lumina
Married Couple
Fertilised Egg Cell
Sun, Dec 5:
Birthday Lunch in Cococabana
Yesterday we celebrated my
birthday by re-visiting Cococabana Restaurant in Mo Tat Wan, 10
minutes by ferry from So Kwu Kwan or 20 minutes from Aberdeen. Here are
some of the game dishes ("Menu de Chasse") from what I personally
consider the very best non-Chinese restaurant on all of Lamma
Island (click to enlarge):
Chuen Kee ferry Aberdeen direct to Mo Tat Wan
Arriving in Mo Tat Wan
Clean Mo Tat Wan beach
Arriving in Cococabana
Antipasti / appetizers
Molten camembert cheese wrapped in bacon w/grapes
Seafood risotto (Lamma-Por's choice)
Pheasant breast
Rabbit leg
Dessert sampler
Birthday cake
Disclaimer: Cococabana is a
long-term advertiser in the Lamma-zine. Most of this truly great but
also truly expensive meal was paid for via an advertising barter deal.
Sat, Dec 4:
Romans on Power Station Beach?

Sat, Dec 4:
Sexy-Looking Men Wanted for Photo Shoot!
Message of the Day from BBChris - "Miss
Maybe you can help me out with this - would your respective
husbands/boyfriends/brothers/lovers/ friends be interested? Chance for
fame & glory! Details below. See you on Lamma!
GUYS! Sounds great on your 'bio'. hahahahha
Saturday, there's a film crew coming over to Lamma for an indie film
about music and there's going to be one shot on Power Station
Beach. The crew are wondering if I can get any sexy good-looking
men to be on the beach - hahaha! It's a non-profit film so no money
can be paid out and everyone working on the movie is volunteering
(from shooting - editing!).
post on the Lamma forum
also. Let's see if Lamma has any good looking-men... Shame I didn't put
up any posters on Lamma this week...
I hope you can help mention
something in your blog? Just to turn up at
1:30pm on Power Station Beach,
call me if they're not sure!"
Yes, BBChris, it's my great
pleasure to promote this photo shoot! Let me add on this little picture
above that YOU submitted in my Lamma Photo Contest (all
photos or
winners only) last year, titled "Studs of Lamma". And
there might even be a picture of a well-known Lamma beach babe as well,
submitted by a friend of yours for the same contest...
Fri, Dec 3:
Dangerous New High-Voltage Sonic Creations!

organisers of Lamma Fun Day 2004 would like to invite all you
Funkadelics to come funk the night away with local afro-beat and funk
band NUDE, bringing some dangerous new high-voltage sonic creations
and unleashing a fresh set of originals and obscure covers in their
first performance since their high-voltage performance at the Rockit
guests DJ Simon Pang and DJ Drayfus!
proceeds received at the door will go towards the Child Welfare
Scheme, helping to provide for and educate impoverished children of
Nepal. The goal for this year is to donate a combined total of $100,000
to CWS. With the huge success of Lamma Fun Day ($95,000), we're
almost there! Please help us reach our
target! Look forward to seeing you there!"
For more
info, call 6187 2280 or 9309-0701.
"Thanks, Gung! If you feel like putting it on the
homepage blog next week, we'd really appreciate it.
You're doing really great things with the Web site -- keeps us all
busy when we should be working!"
"As you're asking so nicely and even include a
compliment, how could I resist your request to put the Funkraiser into
the home page blog next week! Plus, I might put your message into the
Blog as well, hehehe...
As one
of the Fun Day organisers I'd do this anyway. But even more so, as the
Funkraiser is taking place exactly on my birthday. I always secretly
hoped that it was actually in my honour, my birthday concert & party,
no? Or is this just one of my usual delusions of grandeur? See you all
Thu, Dec 2:
Floating Thai Lanterns in Yung Shue Wan Harbour
Did you
participate in this year's commercialised version of the traditional
Thai Floating Lantern Festival, Loy Krathong, on Fri, Nov 26?
A beautiful
event, organised by our active local Thai community, centred around the
Aroy Thai, Thai Thai and Man Fung Seafood
here or on the photos for the Loy Krathong 2004 photo gallery,
or check out
last year's photos. One of the lanterns floating in the harbour
caught fire from its burning candle, making it especially festive at
It was a most
memorable & beautiful event, bringing the local Chinese & Thai
communities closer together
Wed, Dec 1:
Your Ad On This Home Page?
A new month and new ad
banners at the top of this page.
This Blog is
supported by advertising, so let's take this opportunity for a little
house ad. Obviously, the top of this page is the best advertising spot
in this website. We're getting over 1 million hits/ month now; a
lot for a little community website on an island with less than 10,000
inhabitants, many of whom cannot read English.
If you are
interested in displaying your ad here, check out the
rate card and
contact me anytime! For ad banners of at least 3 months, I'm
adding the following:
a free month (3+1, 5+2, 8+4 free months!),
a free ad web
page, linked from your ad banner, like a micro website,
a free
advertorial in this Blog, something like this:
Welcome to our
brand-new advertiser above who's starting to tutor "Speech Drama and
Communication" classes on Lamma now, based on the Trinity
Guildhall method, helping your children, 6-16 years, to become
"confident communicators".
Click here or on the masks to contact them and find out more.
Very highly recommended!